First kiss

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BILL: you and bill are walking in the rain. Not saying a word. It's not an awkward silence but a pleasant silence that both of you treasure. You smile looking down and the ground watching the water run down the drain. Water drips down your nose on your chest which is the best feeling. You feel a cold wet hand slip into yours. Your face heats up as you look over to your boyfriend bill. " y-your freezing" bill points out looking at you worriedly.
" well duh" you chuckle. " it's raining and it's the middle of winter. Plus I'm wearing a skirt and shirt. You laugh looking at your now clear shirt and short red and black skirt.
He laughs. " that's true" he smiles as you pull up at your house. You turn to face him. " thanks for walking me up billy boo" you say. He blushes at his nick name you have given him. " you think you'll be alright walking home?" You ask looking up at him being as he's taller than you. " I-I'll be fine y/n. A-as long as I know your fine" he smiles caringly. You giggle loving caring nature. You give him a hug. Considering he's soaking wet he still keeps you warm. You pull back and look into his deep brown eyes. Everything around you seems to slow down. The rain become silent and everything is focused on your boyfriend in front of you. Naturally you lean forward connecting your lips against his soft pink ones. You feel him gasp but soon kisses back. Finally the kiss breaks. " I love you" you say smiling.
" I love y-you too y/n" he says smiling back a blush tinging his pale face.
You smile and make your way inside and wave before closing the door.
" wow... my first kiss" ....

EDDIE: you and your friends are walking around in the sewers looking for bills recently missing brother Georgie. Richie and Eddie of course arguing about some stupid crap. Eddie rambling on about germs and Richie teasing him. Me, bill and Richie a little way into the sewer while Eddie and stan are waiting outside. Both of them of course too scared to come in.
" do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie suddenly asks Eddie. " sometimes,yeah" replies Eddie casually. " then you probably have crabs" Richie says. You crack up laughing. " that's so not funny" points out Eddie rolling his eyes. A short silence looms as me,Richie and bill make our way further into the sewer.
Richie turns around to stan and Eddie.
" arentnyou guys coming?"
Eddie looks down. " uh uh, that's grey water" says Eddie looking back up.
" what the hells grey water?" Wonders Richie slightly rolling his eyes at his friends stupidity. " it's basically, piss and shit. I'm just telling you!" He starts. " you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee" Eddie explains as Richie smells the end of the stick he's been using to find things in the water. "What are y- a-, are you serious?" Calls Eddie fumbling on his words. " it doesn't smell like caca to me singnor" Richie says in a gollum like voice. " have you ever heard of a staff infection?!" Yells Eddie as Richie half cuts him off.they start to talk over eachother making their words not recognisable. " so unsanitary " whines Eddie. Stanly roles his eyes causing you to laugh. " we're literally swimming around in a toilet bowl right now! your the reason we're in this situation!"
" guys!" Interrupts bill. We all turn our attention to him. We see him holding a wet soggy shoe. " don't tell me that's-" stanly doesn't finished. Instead he looks over to Eddie who returns a worried look. "G-Georgie used to wear galoshes" bill explains.
" who's sneaker is it?" I wonder. Bill looks at me and shines the flash light at the interior of the shoe. Richie sighs
" it's Betty ripsoms" he reads. That's one if the many kids that have gone missing. " what if she's still here?" Stanly Questions. No-one answers and instead keeps walking deeper into the sewer. "Eddie c'mon" You call looking behind you at your boyfriend. " my mom will have an aneurysm if she found out we were playing around here. I'm serious!" He rambles again. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Bill?" Asks Eddie innocently looking for bills opinion. Bill goes quiet and looks around back at Eddie " if I was Betty ribson, I'd want us to find her" bill points out without stuttering. Everyone looks around guilty. " G-Georgie too"
Eddie suddenly speaks.
" what is I don't wanna find them" everyone looks at him shocked. " I mean, no offence bill but I don't want to end up like geor-" he stops. Realising what his about to say. He swallows. " I don't wanna go missing either" Eddie admits. We all look back at bill.
Bill sighs and continues to walk into the sewer. " c'mon Eddie" you plead grabbing his hand. He sighs and follows you. You go deeper and deeper into the sewers. Things get eerie.
Eddie of course going on again about germs and Richie making fun of him.
Suddenly everything goes pitch black.
"Shit!" I hear bill say. " bill.. turn on the light" I say getting really uncontrollable. " I c-can't!" He yells trying to fix it. The light flickers on and then back off. I start to hear heavy breathing. I grasp eddies hand tightly knowing he's starting to hyperventilate.
The light finally turns on. But Eddie continues to breath heavily and wheezes. " w-we need to go!"
"take a puff!" I say. Eddie shakily reaches down to his fanny pack. He unzips it and fumbles around.
He starts to panic. " it's not there!" He yells. He starts to panic badly and shakes violently. " calm down!" Bill calls. Everyone starts to worry. " I-i can't!" He yells starting to sob. You try to think of something to calm him down. And Without thinking
You grab his shoulders. And smash your lips on his. Instantly he stops panicking and his breathing settles. You break the kiss and step back.
" better?"you ask looking into his shocked eyes. " uh huh" he says standing stiff. " Awah shit! I was hoping I would be y/n's first kiss!" richie groans. You chuckle and grab eddies hand. " let's go" you smile...

RICHIE: "Richie!" You whine as you look up at the cliff above you. Your in the water with the rest of the boys while your boyfriend Richie is too scared to jump in. " i... I can't!" He stutters. " come on! Your such a pussy!" Yells up Eddie. " fuck you!" Yells Richie. " if you do y/n will suck you off!" Yells up Eddie. You instantly gasp and playfully punch eddies arm. He chuckles. You blush with an embarrassed rage. You suddenly hear a splash beside you. You look next to you only to me greeted by your boyfriend looking at you with a smirk. " I knew that would work" mumbles Eddie smirking.
" no way lover boy" you say shaking your head. " Awah c'mon babe." Whines Richie. You shake your head.
" but this is what you get for being so brave" you start. You quickly place your lips onto his. He stands still shocked but soon kisses you back. You feel an arm snake around your waist and a hand grab your ass. You break the kiss. " uh uh" you shake your head biting your lip. Richie groans in disappointment. " you know. You look hot when you bite your lip" he grins.
" hush, it's a habit" you smile. " I know. And I love it" you giggle and shake your head. You boop his nose before pushing him into the water...


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