"I'm tired of living in this old apartment! I want a new house. I know I don't have a family but I wanna live in a home alone!" ... "okay okay no need to be angry . You can go look for a new house tomorrow ." . "Thanks mom!!!" I hugged her very tight and ran off to go search up on the the internet "houses for sale - Elmer street".. bunch of homes came up. There's old ones .. not looking for these types . While I was scrolling down . There's this one house that caught my eyes . It was huge and it was 2 years old . Basically new . It had large doors and windows . 3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms , a basement.. AHHH everything that a perfect house can have . I called the person that will be showing me the house . "Um hi I saw this home on Elmer street and I was wondering.." I didn't even finish talking then she said "13- street of Elmer?! PERFECT ! Ill see you tomorrow at 12 pm!!!" .. she hang up fast. I put my phone down and thought "wow. that was fast".
You're not the only one here
HorreurI live alone , new house , creepy noises everywhere .