Chapter 5

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your_hope - Do you have any dance ideas

sugababy - I've done a dance  to Not Today

your_hope - Really, can you show it to us today?

sugababy -  Sure, but it involves more than me

your_hope - Do any of your students know the dance

sugababy - Yeah

your_hope - Pick the best out of the people who know it and bring them along with you


The students and I walked into the dance room. Before we got here I made sure to tell them not to freak out when they saw everyone. I'd like to be able to bring them back, so I wanted to make sure they made a good impression.

"Jiminie, these must be the students. We can't wait to see you preform." Jin said, turning his head to them

They nodded and said they were honored to dance for them.

I played the song, and walked to the center of the room.

As the music died down, I turned around to give my students high fives.

"We have to do that!" J-hope exclaimed

"Yeah! But who would do it? It needs three people, and the only super good dancers are you and Jungkook." Namjoon groaned

J-hope nodded, "True."

"Jimin! Tae yelled

"Yah, I'm right here. Don't yell you alien." I whined

"Sorry, but you should do it!" He said happily

"What, nope. Not happening." I said​ while putting my hands up

"But, why." Kook pouted

"Because I'm not an idol, and if I start dancing with you guys on stage people will think I am." I explained

"Well then we will tell them who you are, and what you are doing. Also, the managers already said they want you going to interviews with us so the press know who you are." He said.

"I still don't know." I said

Jungkook's face lit up "I know who can change your mind!"

"Yoongi hyung, don't you think Jimin should dance on stage with us?" He asked Yoongi

Suga didn't hear however. He was to busy glaring at my students. I wonder why?

"Gramps, listen!" J-hope yelled

"Huh, what?" Yoongi said, breaking his concentration over the two dancers

"Kookie was asking if you agreed with the idea of Jimin dancing on stage with us." Jin said

Yoongi glanced at me. He looked me up and down slowly, making me feel self conscious.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

Jungkook looked at me hopefully. I just stared back. I was fine till he gave me his puppy dog eye look

"Ya, fine. I'll dance with you." I agreed


J-hope and Jungkook screamed together. I just smiled a bit.

I felt eyes on me so I turned my head. It was Yoongi who was looking at me. We just stared at each other for a second. Then I saw something I couldn't believe.

He. Winked. At. Me.

I turned away from him. My face and neck flushed crimson. He just smirked, and looked at the two five year olds jumping cheerfully.



I'm sure you are allwondering what J-hope was talkingabout on his photo yesterday

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I'm sure you are all
wondering what J-hope was talking
about on his photo yesterday.
Well, this boy here is our new
vice-choreographer! He's also
gonna be dancing with us on stage!

3.2M likes 1.7M comments

littletae- OMG, he's not even a bias and he's bias wrecking me😍

satans_bit*h- why do so many people freak out about these guys, there not even cute

sugababy- okay, if you're gonna insult them at least learn proper grammar. I mean, it obvious that you're already a stupid bitch but still

agust_d- well damn

sugababy- sorry, I got mad

agust_d- you're perfectly good, continue doin' that

jacksons_wang_;D- YOONMIN


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