Chapter Six

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Erik's POV

I gently placed my hand on her soft, pale face, making her flinch. She looks up at me, her large sapphire-like eyes gazing into mine.

She gives a small smile and lightly places her hand on the masked side of my face. As she shifts her hand, my worst nightmare comes true: the mask falls, hitting the ground with a light tap.

The smile is wiped from her face as her expression turns to a mix of fear and shock. Instinctively, I grab her wrist tightly then shove her away as hard as I can, making her to fall to the ground.

"YOU STUPID WENCH!" I yell out of rage. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! NOW YOU KNOW WHO I TRUELY AM!" I cover my face with my hand. My uncovered eye looks to find Celestina on the ground.

Her eyes well with tears as she stares up at me. I realized what I'd just done out of a fit of rage, and my heart sinks.

"I'm a monster..." I whisper as I sink to my knees. I quietly begin to weep.

Celestina's POV

It all happened so fast, I didn't know what to do. I jumped as he roared at me, tears filling my eyes. I look down to see my wrist beginning to bruise, then back at him.

That's when I see him break. One look at me, and he completely shatters.

"I'm a monster..." He quietly says as he falls to his knees. When I notice his tears, I let mine fall. What have I done?

He sits there, this man that had completely snapped at me seconds ago, crying at his mistake.

Slowly, I crawl over and retrieve the mask. It sits in my hands, staring at me. I take a deep breath and crawl over to him. He looks at me, still covering his face.

I gently grasp his large and callused hand that covers his face and pull it away. The deformed part of his face is revealed, and I stare at him, trying to be as expressionless as possible.

But the Opera Ghost could see through my mask of no emotion. He could tell that underneath my blank face, I was utterly terrified. I would have never guessed that he was like this underneath. Slowly, I scooted over and gently placed the mask on his face.

Erik's POV

I was completely awe-stricken by this woman's actions. Even the way she lightly positioned the white mask onto my face was gentle and graceful.

Her nimble fingers pushed around the edges to put the mask in place. I marveled at her as she did this.

She pulled back and looked at her work. Her tear-stained face softens.

"I'm sorry, monsieur." She whispered. She leans forward and embraces me.

I am a little shocked by this action, but I return the embrace, feeling her warmth and inhaling her scent. She smells of pine.

"I love you." She whispers, taking me by surprise once more. Celestina pulls away from the embrace and lightly puts her lips onto my forehead. After a second or two, she backs up and stares at me.

"You must return to the theatre." I reply. "They need you. I will bring you back now." I see the tears well up in her eyes, but she nods.

"Sì." She nods.

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