Shitty 70's motel

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I opened my eyes and the pain hit me immediately. It wasn't as bad as this morning but it still felt like someone stuck a white hot knife in my head. I grabbed the sides of my head, clutching my hair and hoping that the pain would stop. I screamed as I pulled out a piece of my hair. I didn't mean to but the pain was intolerable and unbearable.

"Aletta what's wrong?" Elijah ran to my side, cupping my face in his hands. He had concern written all over his face.

"I-I'm fine." I said slowly getting up. We weren't in the car anymore but a motel room. It was clean and it could've been worse but I couldn't understand why anyone would stay in a room with a 70's disco theme. The 70's were awful apart from some of the songs. 'Carry on my wayward son' is still my favourite.

"What happend to you? You suddenly started screaming." He said his brow was furrowed and his brown hair was no longer neat and tidy but more messier. This suited him better I decided.

"I'm fine it was just a dream I was having." I propped myself against the headboard and looked around again. "Where are we?"

"Decades motel in Charlotte, North Carolina. What was your dream about? Was it a nightmare?"

I looked back at him. I wasn't sure if I should tell him what the dream was about. What all of the dreams were about I mean it's not exactly the most normal thing to say to someone and what if he thought I was a psycho bitch? Plus I felt sorry for the bastard. Here he was in North Carolina stuck with a psychotic teenage wreck and I wasn't sure if he knew how to deal with that. So I ignored every bone in my body and told him the truth because I don't listen to anyone, even myself.

"It was about you." I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Are you scared of me, Aletta?" He asked quietly his eyes going darker than there usual shade of hazel.

"No!!" I shouted wishing he hadn't misunderstood me. "No Elijah, I've been dreaming about you but every time I've woke up I've had this agonising pain in my head and the dreams there so ... vivid, like I was living them."

I saw on his face that this brightened him up, now he knew I wasn't scared of him. But his mind was processing everything I had told him. He stayed silent for another few moments. I couldn't even breath with all the tension in the room.

"You know what I'm sorry for botheri-" I was cut mid-sentence by Elijah's lips touching mine. He was soft so he would not scare me away by the intimacy. But I wasn't scared I felt like someone who just saw daylight in 100 years, I felt liberated and free. I could feel what seemed to be a thousand butterflies in my stomach waiting to break free. It was the perfect moment with my heart beating so fast I could hear the deafening sound in my ears. Then as quickly as it had happened it was over and Elijah had pulled back.

"I am sorry Alet-" He began to say before I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was my turn to interrupt him. He put a hand on my back and pulled me closer to him. I knelt up on the bed while kissing him. They were becoming more heated and we were quickly becoming carried away with every kiss. He placed his hand underneath my top above my hip and began kissing my neck.

I slowly pulled back and started breathing again. Truth be told I was surprised I didn't faint or have a heart attack making out was really tiring especially with an incredibly sexy immortal.

Elijah opened his eyes and stared into mine. He took his hand away from underneath my top and placed it on my cheek he brought his face close to mine and rested his forehead on mine.

"You remember don't you?" He whispered in my ear.

"It was real wasn't it. It was all real."

"They were your memories."

I pulled away from him again and sat back down on the bed. Truthfully I felt an array of emotions. I felt giddy from that kissing session, happy at Elijah's feelings for me. But mostly red hot fury. I mean I was really freakin pissed off. Who the fuck would have the nerve to mess with a girls memories. Especially the ones of a hormonal immortal with a kick-ass temper.

"What happened to them? Who messed with them Lijah?" I spat out furiously.

"I don't know Aletta I only got mine back two days ago."

"How come you got them back all at once and I'm having dreams?"

I could see that he didn't want to tell me why, he moved his eye contact away from me, maybe he knew more than he let on.

"What Elijah tell me!" I said grabbing his arm.

"I think it's because I'm an original and stronger than you and older." He said it nervously like I was a ticking time bomb that was about to go off. I have to say the man knew me. He knew that on a normal day a comment like that would get you a kick in the balls.

I was just as strong as him. I was just as strong as anyone. I could take on the fucking world if I wanted to. But today all I wanted to do was kiss Elijah so that's what I did.

I practically jumped on top of him and began kissing him again. This time he did not hesitate and we were soon locked in a passionate embrace. I lay down on the bed not pulling away from his lips. I knew it was getting serious and soon my top was on the ground. I stopped him thought before it went any further.

"Not my first time, not here."

I could tell he was disappointed but he did not say anything. He respected my decision.

"We should go out, like on a date and talk about all the memories that some jackass wiped." I said smiling at him.

He crookedly smiled back and I thought I would explode into a thousand million pieces.

God he was so fucking perfect.

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