Chapter Two

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The next day at school was unfortunately the same as the school days before. Bland and lonely. News had spread of my two week coma, but not of the transplant. Fellow classmates kept it amongst themselves. They didn't care much for me, and I didn't care much for them. That's just how it was. Surprisingly, I hadn't even known I was in a two week coma until my return to school a couple of days after I left the hospital. My voice was still broken. I guessed it would be a couple months before it returned. As I sat at a desk in the middle of the classroom, I listened in on a couple of side conversations.
'Hm.. A newbie has arrived at school?' I thought to myself, 'Interesting, but no point in introducing myself. I wouldn't be able to anyway.' I let out a small chuckle to myself, earning a couple of odd looks from others around me. I quickly silenced myself and shrunk into my seat. I was the center of attention. Literally. Soon enough, people lost interest and continued on with their conversations. I relaxed slightly before a boy hesitantly entered the classroom. His face wasn't familiar, so I came to the conclusion that he was the new student everyone was chatting about.
"Ah," the teacher gestured towards the boy, "you must be Helen. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The boy was reluctant, but stood beside the teacher's desk and stated aloud his name and interests. He was then escorted to a desk at the back of the class by the teacher. She smiled warmly and welcomed him before heading back to the head of the classroom. I glanced his way, curiosity taking ahold of me. His icy blue eyes bore into my own {eye color} orbs. A shiver shot down my spine and spilled into my nerves, slowly creating an overwhelming sense of fear. He smirked as if he knew what he was doing to me. I couldn't take my eyes off of his. I was frozen. It was as if he were Medusa, and I was a victim of his. One who had done him wrong without knowing it. I stood from my desk and jerked away after seeing a sharp, dark tentacle shoot my way. The class stared up at me, a little freaked out. Right then, the boy, this.. Helen, looked up from his sketch book with the most innocent of expressions. I was seeing things. I glanced around, trying to calm my pounding heart. My heart..? Zurielle. Could it be? Could she have put that vision in my mind? No. No way. It was a dream. I probably just didn't get enough sleep. I shook my head, but soon my gaze rested upon the window. Out of it, I saw a small girl with the widest, bloodiest smile. Her blood and dirt covered body held a beaten up teddy bear close to her chest. Her pupils were small and eyes were wide. She seemed to be twitching.. Laughing.. I jumped back, falling over my chair. Before the teacher could stop me, I had already scampered to my feet and ran out of the door.
What was that? Who was that? I ran into the bathroom, and stopped before the sinks. I ran the water and washed my face. It had to be an effect from lack of sleep. There was no other explanation. Zurielle..
"She's not real?"
I gasped and glanced up at the mirror. Behind me was the same girl from my dream. Short brown curls, red eyes.. It was her. Zurielle.
"Yes. 'Tis I." She wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. My body wouldn't stop trembling.
"You know.. Soon enough, you'll be used to the hallucinations. It's just one of the many side effects." She chuckled. My eyes began to water. I fell to my knees and stared at the tiled floor in disbelief.
"The first one wasn't my doing, though. That Helen kid is suspicious. Don't let him get too close. No matter what. I think he is a threat. Threats don't get handled with very well." Zurielle sat atop a sink and crossed her arms and legs with a smirk. She was toying with me. It had to be her. It was most definitely her. It couldn't have been anything else.
"H-how?" My voice was hoarse, but it was surprisingly working.
"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. Now, if you want these things to stop, all you have to do is kill for me. It's that simple. The more you obey, the less you're tormented." She chuckled.
I panted and began to cry. There was a constant pounding in my ears. It was her heartbeat. It grew louder and more unbearable with each passing second. The pain was driving my mad. I began to scream and clasp at my ears. Zurielle cackled.
"All you have to do is agree."
My tears were stained red. I was crying blood. I began to panic even more. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live. No matter what I had to risk, I wanted life.
My screams grew in volume as did the pounding in my head.
"Good." Zurielle purred before my red vision blurred, and I fell unconscious from the pain.

A/N: Sorry for taking way too long on this. I lost interest, but now I'm back and ready to finish this. Again, I'm sorry if it isn't good enough. It is my first, so bear with me. Agh! ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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