
199 8 1

12 days later

look i know we don't know each other very well but Bill really does care about you.

He talks about you all the time.

He never shuts up about you. EVER.

I know he's an idiot but could you at least consider talking to him again .

Who is this?
And how did you get my number?

um its finn wolfhard.

I stole Bill's phone during a press thing to get your number while he was in the bathroom.

Im not ready to talk to him yet.
He made me feel like such an idiot.
Like I was willing to wait for him and he's already cozy on some other chick like what kind of shit is that.

Sorry. I shouldn't be talking to you about this anyway.

no its fine.
he hurt you and that's not cool.
but i promise he does feel bad about it.

all we know is that he likes you and it seems that you like him and that's the most important thing and maybe you two can figure out a way to work things out.

it would be a shame if things ended like this before they ever really started.

at least consider talking to him. and if you don't want to date him or anything maybe you could at least get to the point where there's not alot of tension.

because bill is sad and he's too nice of guy to be sad and i know your too great of a girl to be sad. we just want things to get better.

with love,
          the losers club🎈



"you think it worked?"

"she's not responding"

"she's probably thinking about what to do"

"you have to give her time"

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