chapter 1: Rose

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~The enchanted forest~
It was a stormy September night almost October, it was almost cold enough to snow, Rumpelstiltskin was in his castle spinning hay into gold, the winds outside howled as the rain pounded against the Windows, this did not bother him in the slightest, he was in deep thought when he heard loud knocking on the front door of his dark castle, he got up wondering who could be at His door, who would be brave enough to come to him. He walked to the front of his castle and opened the doors and saw no one? No, he looked down hearing the cries of a baby wrapped in a blanket in a basket and a letter, the child had brown hair and green eyes and also had skin that shined gold-sh like Rumple's skin, he picked up the basket and looked around seeing no one before closing the door behind him, he walked to the dining room and sat the basket on the table making the baby giggle? Rumple took the note and reads it in shock.
Dear Rumpelstiltskin 
The child in the basket is yours, her name is Rose, take good care of her well i'm gone, i cant take care of a child right now as you can see, your not the type to abandon your own child, are you?
Rumple re-reads the note over and was enraged, she just left her child with him! she probably expects for him to abandon there child, not a chance! he would take care of her out of spite if neccasary!
~12 years later~
Rose has always been in the castle, she was never aloud to leave, her father told her that people would fear and hate her just because of her looks, this made her sad and she always thought she looked ugly even though her father told her that she was a beautiful Golden Rose, to him she was perfect and he would do anything to protect her. One time she used one of her father's spells to change her hair and wound up putting light blue streaks in her hair that turned out to be permanent, her father was not angry at her, oh no, in fact he thought it was beautiful.
~Story brook~
Everything was nice and quiet, sheriff Grahm was in the police station, he sighed as he sipped his coffee, he had just been at mayor mill's house, a woman named emma swan has been in town causing the mayor a lot of problems, as he is thinking he glanced out the window and saw a buss coming down the street, not a normal buss, a transport buss, he sighed again and got up, the buss stopped outside the police station and out walked a police officer and a girl in all black and chains, gothic type with a bit of steampunk mixed in, her hair was dark blue with light blue streaks, she has green eyes that seemed to scream: "help me!", she was in handcuffs and the police officer grabbed her arm a bit roughly and walked into the police station, the girl seemed on edge and nervous as she is practically dragged into the small police station and pushed into a cell before Grahm could even say anything, the police officer then turned to Grahm saying: "are you the sheriff?" Grahm nodded.

Grahm: yes, i'm the sheriff, what's all this about?
police officer: see that girl there?
Grahm: yes? what has she done?
police officer: she was arrested for arsen, burned down an entire building, no one was hurt
Grahm: i see, why did you bring her all the way here? to storybrook? 
police officer: court ordered, she is not to leave storybrook county

before Grahm could say anything else, the doors opened and in walked Mr. Gold saying: "sorry i'm late", what was he of all people doing here? Grahm was thinking, Mr. Gold looked at the jail cell, the girl who was in the cell looked shocked, a smile spread across mr. gold's face, the police officer had handed him papers to sign saying: "make sure she stays out of trouble now", gold nodded as he signed the papers, Grahm was lost but watched, once the papers where signed, the police officer left and gold hobbled over to the cell still smiling and said: "hello deary", the girl had a bitter sweat smile on her face and said: "hello.........father"....... 
~Rose's Pov~

the buss ride from Phoenix Arizona to Storybrook main was long and tiring and honestly boring, i sighed some, i was truly surprised that the judge did not throw my ass in jail, i'm 28 years old, the thing about me though is i'm not from this world, a world without magic, but the thing is i do have magic, not a lot though, i uh kinda used a bit of magic to change the judge's mind, kinda? i did a spell to return me home? i expected to be taken back to the enchanted forest, but no such luck, is storybrook main where everyone the dark curse hit wound up? i feel cursed though, of knowlege, the others dont know who they really are do they? how did i get arrested? well i was traveling with a group of runaways, i was one of the oldest, one of the younger kids accidently set fire to a large building we were all in, we managed to get everyone out, but by that time, police had arrived, the boy, only 10 years old was scared, you could see it in his eyes, i know how these cops work, they would throw the boy in juvi, i was not going to let that happen, looking after these kids were the job of the adults, so as an adult i took the blame, yes i knew it was stupid but i could not let the poor kid take the blame, he would not last a day in juvi, as i'm thinking, my mind wonders to someone i have not seen in about a year, just thinking about him hurts, who was this person that hurts my heart every time i think about him? August W. Booth, i had traveled with him for years and i uh fell in love with him, i never told him though and i regret it every day, i messed everything up though and there was a huge fight between me and him and we seperated, when i was arrested i could have called him........but i did not, i could not be a burden on him, they say love kills, well i'm dying from that affliction very slowly every day, i see the buss stop and the stupid police officer says to get up, i dont really have anything with me except my bag thats always on my torso, i got up and once i'm out of the buss, the police officer grabbed my arm making me wince a little as he practically dragging me, i noticed quite a few people stopped and was watching, gods i hate nosey people! i'm dragged threw the doors and i see the sheriff, he does not look half bad, i'm roughly thrown into the cell and almost fall flat on my face, the handcuffs on me are just about open, i sit on the bed in the cell hearing the two talk and as soon as i hear the satisfying click of the cuffs unlocking and falling to the ground, thats when i hear a new voice and i looked up just to father?!? he had a smirk on his face and i hear him talking to the police officer and i see him signing papers? then i heard the police officer tell my father to keep me out of trouble, i tried to not laugh at that, i watched as the police officer leave and father uh walked to me saying: "hello deary", i felt on edge, does he really know who i am? i gulped and took a deep breath, i could hear my own heart pounding as i said: "hello father", i could see a smile form on his lips, he then turned to the sheriff and said:"sheriff Grahm, would you be so kind into letting my daughter out of that cramped cell, please?", the sheriff walked to the cell with a confused look on his face but continued to get the keys out when i heard the voice of the most evil woman ever, Regina, i heard her say: "sheriff, that woman just destroyed city property, you need to-", she stopped mid sentence when her eyes landed on me and i swear i saw something in her eyes, shock, before it faded and she said: "sheriff, whats going on? why is that girl in a jail cell?", he turned to her saying:"i was just about to let her out, according to the police officer who brought her here she was arrested for arson", Regina had her arms crossed and an eyebrow arched saying:"she started a fire?", father looked at regina saying:"apparently so, mayor mills", so she's the mayor? i was getting nervouse and my left hand instantly went to my right hand touching my ring, its a habbit when i'm nervouse, the ring is made from wood but because of my magic, its also a mood ring, its different from normal mood rings, one its wooden and two it actually turns a color based on my mood, it was created by August, and is one of my most treasured items, oh and something else, the ring will, thanks to my magic spell, glow when he is near, faint if he is still far away, and it will glow brighter when he is near, same though with the bracelet i gave him, a charm bracelet, every charm on it simblizes his story, theres like 5 charms on it, i remember the look on his face when i gave it to him, the smile and joy in his eyes, i closed my eyes hearing his voice in my head say my name and i felt a tear going down my face, i was then brought out of my thoughts when i heard my father say: "are you alright deary?", i looked up at him and whiped the tear away and said: "uh ya, i'm ok", the cell door was open and i got up and walked out forgetting the cuffs on the ground, the sheriff looked at me questioningly before picking them up, i just shrugged with a smirk on my face and walked with my father passed Regina and out of the police department, i was lost in thought once more thinking about starting a new life here in town when i heard father say: "so, what happened to land you in jail? when i got a call from a judge in pheonix saying you were arrested, i was shocked to say the least", i stopped walking and looked at him.

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