Star Gazing

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* So recently I've found some new inspiration to write again. I know it isn't Dancing With the Stars, but I've fallen in love with Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) & Steve Trevor's relationship. It's literally the most pure thing in the world, it's heartbreaking that they weren't given the ending that everyone had hoped they had. So here's some ideas that have been swimming around in my head for awhile now. So please enjoy! -Tori*

~ Star Gazing ~

"Diana..." Steve said loud enough to echo in the small apartment that they rented in New York while she was her for business.

They had been in New York for almost two whole weeks and Diana had been working non stop, and well Steve just wanted to spend some time with his beautiful wife.

So Steve made a plan to sweep his wife off of her feet tonight, if he could find her that is. "Diana... are you home?" Steve stopped in the kitchen when he realized that she wasn't in their apartment. He sighed setting down the bouquet of flowers he had picked up down the street hoping to bring a smile to her face.

He quickly texted Bruce seeing if maybe they had a meeting and Diana had forgotten to mention it to him before she had gone over.

"Hey Bruce, its Steve. I was wondering if Diana was with you? She isn't at the apartment, and I figured maybe she is with you. But if she isn't please don't tell her I texted you because she'll think something is wrong but nothing is I was just wondering where she had gone to. " Steve reread his text before hitting send hoping that Bruce would get back to him quickly.

Steve sat his phone on the counter before finding a piece of paper and pen, when he went to write his phone buzzed altering him that he had gotten an answer back hopefully from Bruce. He grabbed his phone looking at the message, "Hello Steve, yes Diana is here with all of us. She should be home soon though. Don't worry I won't say a word."

Steve smiled finally knowing where Diana had gone, his mind drifted off wondering if she had to save the world tonight. If something had happened and he didn't even realize that anything had gone on.

Steve quickly texted back Bruce, "Thanks man, talk to you later." Steve put his phone in his back pocket before he went back over to the piece of paper, grabbing the pen he quickly wrote a note to Diana.

A minute later he walked into their bedroom finding two pillows and two blankets, he quickly picked up everything before walking towards the front door. He managed to open the door, he walked to the door at the end of the hallway that lead to the roof of the building.

He eventually made his way to the top of the roof, finding the perfect spot to lay down his first blanket. Then he laid the pillows on the blanket as well as the fluffy larger blanket at the end.

What a perfect night to star gaze, it was a little chilly but not quite cold. Maybe he could even pick up some ice cream before Diana got back and surprise her with her favorite frozen treat, especially if she had a rough day.

An hour later Steve had managed to come to the store a got a pint of vanilla ice cream, now he was just waiting on the text from Bruce telling him that Diana had left and then there might could begin.

About fifteen minutes later Steve was sitting on their couch watching the news when his phone buzzed, it was Bruce telling him that Diana had just left and that she should be there in no time.

Steve quickly jumped finding a glass vase and putting the flowers that he got her in them before making sure the note he wrote her was in front of the flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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