Pandemonium (Karma's POV)

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I had grown tired of being trapped in this box for days.

"What are we doing with her again?" asked one of the two scientists in the room with me, waving a wand of sorts that somehow scanned my vitals.

"She's not human, big wigs upstairs think we can weaponize her." Answered the other one, who was preoccupied reading his tablet.

"Like we were doing north on the island before it went boom? They really think that's a good idea?"

"I don't know, man." Said the other one, somewhat frustrated. "Kidnapping girls, human test subjects, trusting a guy who claims to be the son of the Devil. As long as I'm getting paid, I don't care."

"You really believe he's the son of the Devil?"

His partner sighed and set his tablet down. "There rationalist in me says no, but I've seen him do things. I don't know about you; but shape-shifting, super strength, and head on fire make a pretty compelling argument for 'Hail Satan'."

"Don't bother, you can bow to me instead." Damien entered, hands behind his back and with a smug smile on his face. "I'd like the room with her."

The two scientists look at each other, and promptly left the room.

"Whatever you're going to do, do it quick." I said, disgusted at his face.

"Oh I assure you, those wheels are already in motion. It's only a matter of time before I bring this world to its knees."

I shrugged my shoulders, not the slightest bit impressed. "So why have me here? Why come after Damon?"

"My father offered me his status as Alpha in exchange for bringing Damon to him. But I'm not a fool, he would've killed me the moment the two of us stepped foot in Hell. So I took the power, and killed your little boyfriend."

I didn't believe the last part, I didn't want to.

"As far as why you're here, you're nothing more than a trophy. And now that my evil monologue is complete, I believe this is the point where my master plan takes place."

"What are you talking about?" I asked cautiously.

All of a sudden, the sky outside cracked with red and purple lightning as the clouds stirred. A gaping hole tore through the sky as several winged being flew out and into the streets below.

"What have you done?!"

He excitedly pointed his finger at the wall. "Those are demons, escaped from Hell. See me and Damon, we were born here so we have to problem surviving. But they, well, they will need a host if they wish to survive. Luckily, the city has plenty of unwillingly donors." He laughed.

I continued to look gaze outside as demons rained down from the sky and attacked below.

"It's only a matter of time before the humans send out their army to take on mine."

"You'll have them kill their own kind..." I whispered, absent-minded. 

"Exactly, they'll take themselves out, reducing their numbers while mine continues to grow."

I did my best to regain my composure, "And what about your father, I'm pretty sure he won't like the fact you've betrayed him."

"What's he going to do? I've given freedom to millions of demons, and he lost his Alpha status. They'll have no problem, reducing him to ash."

"You're a monster."

He chuckled, "Monster? No, I'm the Devil," Slowly, he started to lose control of his smug smile and burst into an elated laughter. "Now if you excuse me, I have to introduce my subjects to their new King."

The lights inside the building shutdown, and were replaced by dim red emergency lights. The PA system crackled online. "Damien, what the hell is this?! We had a deal."

Damien calmly walked to a panel on the wall and pressed a button, speaking directly into the microphone. Even though he lowered his voice, I could still make out what he was saying.

"I've brought you your artifact, Vlad. And as a bonus, I even let your men study my prize. Whether or not you survive this is none of my concern, but I've already fulfilled my end of the bargain."

He plunged his hand into the wall, and angrily ripped the panel from the wall. The door flung open and walked out, taking a deep breath to regain his composure, and whistled on his way out the building.

The sound of the employees inside frantically trying to escape, along with the cries of the citizens outside as they were attacked echoed in the wall of my cage. I angrily pounded on the glass, my attempts to escape were futile. I sunk to the floor and brought my knees to my chest, admitting defeat.

It was then that I heard screams from the halls, and a loud snarl echoing.

A large wolf jumped into the room, covered in blood and spitting out an arm from the corner of his mouth. I instantly recognized the fur color and look in his eyes.


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