Cult Camp *SPOILERS*

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I really really really love Daniel/David, sooooooooo of course my first idea is going to be that!

This will have a transgender character in it as Ered's (gay) brother come to camp because of how awesome she said it was. If you do not like transgender people, then please leave because I am one myself and I don't fancy hate for trying to be who I am inside. Yes this does change the web series a bit  because it has to be a new year when Daniel comes to make my idea work, but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you didn't see anything.

David was overly excited to have the campers back at Camp Campbell for the summer. He bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for the bus to pull up and set his beloved campers free. "Oh, here it comes!" He said excitedly to no one in particular; Gwen was supposed to be waiting with him but she had snuck off so she could be with her own devices. He squealed as the bus rammed into him, knocking him over yet again. He popped right back up and dusted himself off, bouncing over to the opening doors to greet the children he had to watch after for the entire summer. He smiled brightly as Nikki came out, as wild and ready for adventure as ever. He made sure not to reach for her this time, as he did not wish to be bitten again. Neil followed close behind, Max not long after, already glaring up at him. Then Nerris, Harrison, Preston, Space Kid, Nurf, Dolph, and finally Ered. He greeted each and every one of them happily, giving the camp salute each time one would pile off the bus. Ered smiled gently at him and peeked her head back onto the bus, speaking to someone still left. David bounced even more; a new camper!

After some convincing from Ered, a smaller teenage boy strolled down the steps of the bus, face very nervous. David smiled brightly at him and shook his hand as Ered spoke to him. He told him of how the new boy was her adopted brother, and that he was very shy, and being transgender was not helping him to be less shy. So that's why he was shorter and less masculine than most teenage boys. He nodded and greeted him politely, telling him he had nothing to fear except maybe Max, but that he was relatively harmless, and that he hoped he had a wonderful summer. His eyes lit up as he went about exploring, the flag pole being the first place he stopped. Ered spoke to David once again, quietly telling him of her brother's sexuality and begging no one find out unless or until he decided to tell them. David agreed, but he had no idea Max and Neil were still close enough to hear their hushed conversation. Neither of them did.

Max stared at the new camper; no taller than 5' 7", darker blonde hair or really light brown, he couldn't decide which one, blue eyes that seemed to change shade with his mood, a grey baggy T-shirt that he couldn't quite make out, black shorts that stopped just above his knees, and bright as fuck teal knee high socks with raccoon faces on them. He strolled over, dragging Neil with him, and put on his best polite smile, even if he had no intention on being nice. The boy spotted them and flushed, bowing his head quickly from it's previous position tilted toward the sky and the stupid Campe Diem flag. "So, you're gay. I have to admit last summer I almost lost myself as a fellow camper dressed himself as a bundle of sticks, but I will respect that you are different." His voice was nice enough, as he was trying to make a slightly good impression, and the older but not much taller boy smiled brightly at him. "Don't go thinking I want to make friends, oh no. I am an honest bastard of a child who will not stop trying to make happy people like you and David realize what the world is really like; shitty." The teenager blinked, taken aback. He frowned softly, things clicking in his mind.

"So you must be Max. Nice to meet you!" He held out his hand happily, giggling softly. Neil twitched next to him, wanting to accept the offer of friendship despite being antisocial. Max willed him not to, but the moment the male's attention was on him it was happening faster than he could comprehend, much less stop. Nikki bounded up as well, a squirrel in her hand as she either cuddled it and or squeezed it to death. The teenager's eyes lit up and he offered her a handshake of friendship as well, which she immediately took. He groaned softly; was he the only sane one? Well, if you can't beat them, join them. He begrudgingly held out his hand, mumbling something about how he was not going to be a good friend at all, but his best friends seemed to like him so he would give him a chance. "Thank you," he said softly, eyes shining at his sweet gesture, even if it wasn't much. Max just huffed and turned away, cheeks tinting pink, but no one could ever get him to admit Ered's brother was cool like her, or that he ever blushed.

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