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Chapter 1.

Sunday Morning-

The snow crunched under my feet. The trees where naked and bare. Snow fell lightly from the clouds landing in my shoulder length mousy brown hair. My Mother had me by the wrist and was dragging me up the steps into the church. We piled in with all the other freezing cold people and sat down near the front on an uncomfortable wooden pew.

The weekly service begun. I had to attend for my Mother. I lived with just my Mum. Ever since dad walked out on us when I was 11 Mum has become very, very religious, which is fine. I just wish she didn't have to drag me along every Sunday.

I am now 18 and have finished high school. I have lived in Buffalo, New York my whole life. I'm not much to look at either. Very average. Im about 5'3 with shoulder length light brown hair. My eyes are blue and I am not very tanned. But I don't really care what I look like. Why should I? No one else does.

The service drags on for what seems like an eternity but finally ends. Me and mum walk out and into her car. A small blue 1989 volvo. Classic. We finally get home. Our modest 2 bedroom apartment is warm from the oven Mum must have left on. I collapsed onto the couch and turned on the t.v and watched keeping up with the Kardashians for a while. This kind of t.v bored me but there was nothing else to do until five o'clock when my shift began at the diner a couple blocks away.

4:30 finally rolled around. I said goodbye to Mom and walked down the 83 steps to the lobby. (The elevator is broken.) I walk out the door out onto the bustling, freezing pavement and begin my walk to work. I arrive at the diner and smile at my friend Amber who also works here, but she finishes halfway through my shift. I walk into the staff room and hang up my coat, put on my apron and smile at my boss as I walk back out through the kitchen to the front. I smile and try to be as cheery as possible as I take peoples orders and get them their drinks and any other things they require.

6:00- I have been her for one hour and I still have four left. Yay (Note the sarcasm). I stand waiting for something to happen when the door swings open and a gust of frosty air nearly knocks me off my feet. A tall boy about my age strides in and sits confidently on the stool infront of me. He swipes off his red beanie, scarf and coat revealing the scrawls of tatoos down his left arm and creeping up onto his neck. He has a black lip ring and matching jet black hair swept up into a messy quiff. His eyes are a deep lucious brown and his eyebrows are knitted together in a permanent smouldering glare. Our eyes meet but his eyes quickly dart away. He reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a box of Winfield cigarettes. I know cause that's what my Mom smokes. He places it between his lips and lets it hang loosley while he reaches for his lighter. I clear my throat.

"I'm sorry, you can't smoke in here," I say quietly.

"I can't? He asks tiredly

"No," I say slightly more confidently,

"Okay. Then I will have a black coffee", He sighs.

I turn around and start making his coffee. Amber walks confidently out of the break room up to me and whispers. "Who's that?". Assuming shes talking about the only person in the diner who isn't over 60 years old I say "I don't know". Amber smiles sweetly and adjusts her top. 

"Hi, I'm Amber" 

"Do  you have my coffee?" he says coldly. 

I think this is the first time Amber has said 'hi' to a boy and he hasn't immediately asked for her number.

"Um no sorry but it will be here any second," she replies awkwardly. Amber turns around and gives me a small wave as she heads out the door into the snow. 

"Friend of yours?" he asks as I place the large mug of black coffee in front of him.

"Yeah, well we work together," I say as I welcome another person into the diner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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