× Chapter Nine ×

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The video above has nothing to do with the chapter. I just like the video. So please enjoy.

Now back to the story.

After hearing Scott roar a smile instantly appears on Stiles face, a grin forms on her face when it ends. She quickly moves around to the other side of the tree, staying hidden, waiting for Scott to come strolling in like prince charming on a white horse.

All the pieces were falling into place.

A few moments after the howl you could see these bright vibrant red glowing eyes, getting closer and closer to where Stiles's​ is tied up.

Once Scott sees Stiles's figure he runs as fast as he can to the tree. Scott quickly asks, "Hey are you okay?!?"

"I'm okay, but Scott it's a trap. You need to leave." Stiles replies skittishly, trying to get him to leave.

"No, I'm not leaving without you." Scott starts to pull on the rope and it comes loose some.

The woman comes out of her hiding spot and throws some ice at Scott, kicking him away from Stiles. "Hi, Scotty."

He groans in pain and slowly gets to his feet. "What do you want?"

She kicks his stomach knocking him to the ground. She punches him repeatedly. "You can have what ever you want, just please let him go."

She looks from Scott to Stiles before saying, "Oh Stiles isn't going anywhere. I'm want him to watch what's going to happen to you."

She gives him a really hard punch that knocks him completely out. She drags him to the tree and chains him to the tree.

"When he wakes up he's gonna break out of those chains. Then your gonna wish to God you never even thought about kidnapping me."


It wasn't long before the Noah had called everyone and told them what happened. Right when Scott stormed out he and Melissa started to make phone calls.

Everyone started looking for the two. They all grabbed some of Stiles and Scott's clothes and got their scent. They quickly followed it to the Beacon Hills Reserve.

Fear crawled up Lydia, Liam, Malia, Corey, Mason, Derek, Melissa, and Noah's spines when they entered the forest. They split up into groups of two and started searching.

Only when they found them they couldn't get to them, a barrier of some sort blocked them. They tried to break through but it didn't work out to well. It was like mountain ash but even humans​ couldn't even get passed.

They saw Scott and Stiles tied to the tree, Stiles was still awake and Scott was starting to wake up letting out a groan. The woman grabs Scott, who tries to fight back but fails, and pulls him near the fire.

Stiles starts to squirm trying to get out of the ropes. He could feel the ropes starting to loosen more.

The woman pulls him up to his feet and says, "Let see what kind of Alpha you really are."

Scott shifts causing his claws to grow from his finger nails, his canines to grow into fangs, eyes to glow, and hair to grow on his face. He was pissed and she knew that. She wanted him pissed.

He lundges for her and gets in a few slashes before she got out her own claws. She runs at him and claws at him, clawing deep he falls to ground letting out a yell of pain. "You see Scott, I'm the one thing you can't beat."

Stiles and the rest of the pack watched in horror as she beat the crap out of him.

She walks over the ground and grabs a jar. Looking a little closer at the jar Stiles could make out the claws of that werewolf that attacked Scott and tried to take his power. That's what she wanted, she was going to steal his power.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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