The recruit

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Wake up
Shower... if you can
Wash up
Go to bed
Days upon days it's the same weary routine, struggling to fight the pain racing through your aching bones. Even while we sleep, dreams will haunt you, thoughts of the unknown keep you thinking. Only the toughest survive.

The sirens whirled as blinking red lights poked at my eyelids. I rolled over to the cold side of my mattress trying to get a few more minutes in. Students moaned and complained as they crawled out from their sticky beds. Some tripping and clawing at each others backs, racing to the showers, hoping for at least 2minutes of hot water.
"Will I see you at training, or are you going for that time of the month excuse?" Asked a voice. It was croaky and rough like sandpaper.
"Uhhmm?" I grumbled not sure of myself what I was trying to say
"I don't think Kyhle's gonna buy it" he chuckled, amused at himself. I sat up, puzzled.
"Why not?" I asked. It's not that I was actually gonna use it, I was just curious of what he meant.
"'ll be the third time you've used it this months....I'm no doctor but.... I'm quite sure you don't get it that often.. right?" He trailed off. I simply rolled my eyes at him as he shuffled towards the door lifelessly. I slowly slipped my sticky navy shirt, stained in u and mud, it was the cleanest thing I owned. Sadly wash day is on Sunday. I decided to keep my pants on, put some boots on and finish with my signature pony tail. It looked messy but I was genuinely trying.

Thankfully all the milk wasn't used up, which meant I had a semi decent breakfast of Oatmeal and cinnamon with soft fruit and a nice look warm coffee. My favourite. I stared down at my toes balancing my foot in my hands, trying not to loose my step. I sat over with my roommates. We where a small bunch. Extras.
On the small benches I had Cathy to my left, James opposite her, Julia to my right and Barrett opposite her.
Cathy was a large built person, she'd done her fair share of training. She registered when she was 11 after a dramatic experiences back at her school in Afghanistan. James was skinny and fragile, but he was the smartest person I've ever known. She could learn an entire language fluently within a few months. Julia was my closest friend, she had the most adventurous mind and an impressive aim. Barrett was a buff guy, spends most his days in the gym, probably sleeps there to. All of us except Cathy where on Silver training. The equation for the training levels are simple. Usually by age.
Ages 11- are soft training, the basics, 12-13 are steel levels, 14-15 is Bronze training, 16-17 was silver and 18-19 is gold. After that you get a pass, to leave and work for the government.
The name of the corporation were in is ATLAS, American Trainees of Learning and Army Society. I was entered by my Guardians, they had connections and thought I would be great, I don't buy it.
"I heard their giving out new assignments today" squealed Julia.
"Nah nah that's all Bull, And even if it is who says it's not gonna be cafeteria hands or gym cleaning" smirked Barrett.
"When are they announcing it then?" I asked Julia.
"They hand out the information throughout the classes, could be training or study" she shrugged. A new mission is always exciting.
"Where the f*** is Levi?" Barrett cursed.
"You do realise he's not in our Cabin, why would he sit with us" I said sourly
Barrett turned to me, confused. "Uh I'm his friend, I'm not that boring" he hissed back. Barrett and I where partnered in Training my second year of Atlas. In self defence class I accidentally broke his thumb and he pulled my hair. Yeah it was totally an accident. So after that we where never on the right turf with each other.
I shrugged it off though, as he got up and left.
"Ugh I wish he'd just realise how annoying he actually is" Cathy moaned.
"I feel like he'd just be as annoying even if he knew" James shot back and made us all chuckle.

I ran to my room rummaging through my clothes searching for my wrist band. Our wrist bands are our coding to enter restricted areas such as the training grounds for seniors, which I needed. I must have taken it off for my shower. I growled loudly in frustration. I sat there with my hands covering my face, I was so angry at myself for doing that. Suddenly foot steps raced past my room door. I stood up to look down the hall and saw Charlie. Charlie was in my class, maybe I could get in with him. I sprinted after him down the halls trying to be too noisy. As he slowed down to the door I called out.
"Charlie!" I choked, puffing, waving my bare wrist at him. He twisted around and smiled when he saw me tirelessly running towards him without my band.
"Well well well..." he shook his head.
"Please!" I begged him as I fell to my knees shaking my hands. He loved it.
"Oh my gosh get up I'm not that harsh" pulling me over and scanning his band. The doors wizzed open and we walked out to the grounds. Our group stood together facing the Teacher, Kyhle.
"Late!" I screamed at us. His voice was crisp and very low. His cheeks where red with anger. We shuffled over embarrassed.
"12 whole minutes late!, that makes 12 whole laps around the field, or 12 minutes of planking, or 12 days of cleaning the bathrooms" I snarled.
"Sorry Sir" me and Charlie spoke in synch, lowering our heads to him.
"Ivy!" I yelled, moving his finger in a hook motion. I stumbled forward already planning my apologies, preparing for embarrassment.
He handed me red slip folded and then cocked his head towards the gates. Confused, I wobbled to the side holding the note in my fingers.
"Get on!" He alerted me, annoyed. I jumped and began running towards the exit. Thankfully the doors where automatic from the inside so i didn't look like such a fool.
I opened the note and read..

AGE: 17
BIRTH: 08/09/2000
Level: Silver +
Notice: room 288, floor 2, 0700
-General Clifford

This must be what Cathy was talking about, I could be a recruit for a super cool mission.
I skipped to the elevator and smacked the 2nd floor button. I was so exited.
As the doors slid open I skipped out and down the hall. The building was flash and new. Had a modern look with clean blue tinted windows. I read the door numbers going from

276-277-278-279-280, the closer I got the more nervous I felt. Maybe it's not a new recruit. Maybe I'm being expelled, not sure why. Restricted - 288. The number laughed at me. Pathetic! Waste!
I went for the door handle but stopped. Probably more polite if I knock. First impressions count. I gently knocked on the door. My knuckles hurt so much after shaking the cold steel door, was I that nervous. I buzzer sounded and then a loud click. I slowly turned the handle and peaked in.
"Come on now I don't have all day" he said through a smile. I walked in and stood awkwardly at the front of his desk. His was a large build with a pricy haircut and an expensive smile. "Sit" he said. The chair was soft and wore, I guess it gets a lot of visitors.
"Good morning Ivy" he said formally. "G-Good morning.. uh Mr Clifford" I stuttered.
"Just called me Mr Cliff" he blinked a smile which relaxed me a bit.
"I'm sure your wondering why your here, and no your not in any sort of trouble" he chuckled. The words caused me to let out a heavy sigh.
"Miss Brooks, we are recruiting some of our best Silver Trainees for an important mission" he said, setting his hands together and leaning in. My eyes lit up.
"You and a few others have been individually assigned to the task of investigating, so you will not be going in the field as a group" he continued "am I making sense?" He asked. I nodded quickly wanting to know more. "So, you will be traveling to Chicago, in a very populated area of poverty and gang violence. There's an organisation there called FAMINE. They test exercises of torture and medicine" I finished.
"What do you need me for?" I asked.
"We need you enter their facility and photograph evidence of the torture, testing and documents of what they are searching for" he said "we have reason to believe they are trying to create a deadly virus which will infect the human race, spread by air and physical contact, but also create an antidote to sell for hundreds of dollars" he added.
It was genius, but also awful and inhuman. I was in.
"I'm willing" I said. Surprisingly he was too excited as I was. "Ivy, you must understand, this assignment is unlike any other, if you are caught there is a chance we may never be able to recover you from your duty" he said worryingly. "We can assign you to another if this is too much, I'll understand" he said reassuringly. I wasn't about to give up the greatest mission ever. This would without a doubt get me to pass my Silver training with flying colours. "I want this and I know I can take it" I said confidently. He smiled at this. "I'm proud our training has done some good after all" he chuckled.
"Well you will pack your bags tonight and get any vaccinations for common disease such as Marlaria, Hepatitis, AIDS" he says folding papers and organising things. "I'm sorry AIDS?" I asked puzzled. He look at me. "Anything can happen in that place, they aren't exactly hygienic" he said monotone, as if the answer was obviously my stomach twisted at the thought. He handed me a folder of paper work and forms the sign. "Get these back to the main desk in your district by 10pm tonight, your medical appointments are at 1300" he said shooing me out. I stumbled out excited for my new adventure and also slightly terrified. Whatever happens, I was not gonna come out the same person.

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