[ September 25th, 2008 ]

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Gerard was laying down on the bed he and Frank shared, in their small yet lovely apartment of New Jersey. Frank was downstairs, trying to compose some music and come up with lyrics for his new band, leATHERMØUTH, and he could hear his guitar chords blasting all across the apartment. He knew the neighbors would be mad, but right now, he couldn't care less. Gerard was even more mad than they could ever be. Why was that? Well, because Frank Iero, his fucking boyfriend, just came back from a tour that lasted two months. TWO MONTHS. For two damn months, Gerard had to sleep alone, live alone, eat alone, and even worse; get off on his own. Sure, he could always call Frank or think about him and get off that way, but his lover's touch was a bit more exciting than his own. And the only thing Frank did since he came back was lock himself in his "bureau" and compose. The only thing Gerard got was a "Hi babe". Not even one kiss. Nothing. And that seriously got him mad. 'I mean, sure, I understand that he has some serious work to do, but didn't he miss me? How does he even manage to stay so calm?' Gerard thought, still pouting.

And with a deep sigh and a heavy grunt, he got off the bed and walked to the door. He had enough. He didn't care what the punishment would be; Gerard fucking missed his boyfriend, and it was only natural for him to be desperate to spend some time alone with him.

Gerard opened the bedroom's door and let his legs lead him to where Frank's guitar was blasting; the bureau. Where Frank and he had spent countless hours laughing, creating, loving each other. This damned bureau that held so many memories. And now it felt like Frank and him were almost strangers all over again.

Slowly, he knocked three times, letting a small second pass between each knocks. He heard a repressed grunt, followed by Frank's voice.


Gerard's heart sunk to his stomach. Frank already seemed mad at him and Gerard hadn't even opened his mouth yet to speak.


A small silence filled both sides of the door, and Gerard panicked a bit at this. He realized now that he got in trouble, and knew that what was coming for him was going to be very bad.

"C-c-can I come in with you?"
"Yeah, hold on."

Gerard heard some shuffling from the other side of the door, and when he finally saw the door opening, it revealed a very annoyed Frank. He tried to smile at Gerard, but the older man knew that he was faking it.

"Hey" Frank finally said, taking Gerard's hand and reeling him in for a kiss, which Gerard gladly accepted. As he begun to remember how much he had missed Frank's perfect lips, he felt the other man's tongue poking his bottom lip, gently asking for Gerard to open his own mouth so that Frank could explore it all over again, as if it was a brand new feeling for both man. Gerard didn't fight back when he felt Frank's tongue establishing dominance over his own; he just let it happen because, deep inside of him, he knew that Frank was only trying to show him how much he loved him. And Gerard being Frank's sub, he was the one being dominated, and he loved it.

After a few minutes of deep and passionate kissing, Frank slowly broke the kiss, leaving Gerard panting and blushing. Frank turned back and sat down in the same spot he must have been before, picking up his guitar and playing again.

'Wait what the fuck' Gerard thought, not knowing if Frank was trying to tease him or if he just kissed him out of habit. 'But that was a fucking passionate kiss.' the older man thought again. He decided to check for himself if Frank was being serious or casual.

Gerard made his way to where Frank was sitting, closing the door of the bureau behind him and locking it carefully, making sure it wouldn't make too much noise. Frank's guitar being noisy in the first place, Gerard was now sure he didn't hear it. He sat down on a small wooden chair, in front of his lover, smiling as he watched the other man being so concentrated and so passionate about what he did. 'He truly is an amazing musician. Now I understand why people always want more from him.' Gerard thought, still smiling at his lover when their eyes would meet randomly. At first, Gerard got up and ended up sitting right next to Frank. Frank looked at him, confused a bit, but he smiled. As Frank proceeded to start playing again, Gerard moved his right hand slowly towards Frank's pants, making sure to be as slow as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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