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Chapter 4
"It has been two months and now Henry is missing. You guys what are we going to do? We haven't had any contact with Hillary. Neville is panicking, and I'm starting to panic as well," said Hermione "It's going to be ok Hermione, We are going to find them," said Ron. Just then they heard a scream from Myrtle's Bathroom getting the attention from everyone in front of it. "that was a boy's scream." Says Harry. Hermione looked as though she was about to pass out and Ron looked as though he was going to be sick. Harry said, "It's ok you guys I can try to talk parseltongue but I haven't been able to since I was 17." Just then Ron's phone started ringing. Ron looked his phone and saw that it was Hillary calling him. "Hillary! Is Henry there with you?! Are you ok?" Said Ron. Hillary sounded extremely weak. Hillary said, "H....H.....Henry is dead... Help.... Please..." "Where are you?" Hillary starts crying. "Hillary where are you?" "I'm still in the Chamber....." Hillary starts screaming "No! VOLDY STOP! GIVE IT BACK! DAD HANG UP! OWW!! DAD THERE IS A BIG BLISK HERE! (They heard Voldy scream get back Daughter of a Mudblood!) DON'T CALL MY MOTHER THAT! SHE IS BETTER THAN YOUR MOTHER! (Says weakly) just let me say goodbye... Please... (phone is handed over to Hillary) Daddy... I'm sorry... I tried to live... (says to Tom) let me go to him.... Let me hug them one last time..... Please... Hang on Daddy he is letting me go hug you.... Where are you?" Hermione starts crying and Ron says, "Right outside the bathroom." "Hang on.... Danni's coming with me." Hillary and Danni walk out of the girl's bathroom and Hillary is all bloody. Hillary runs over to Ron and Hermione and hugs them saying, "Daddy, mommy knock Danni out." Harry walks over to Danni and knocks her out. "Hillary go to the hospital wing with Ron and Hermione and Ginny. I'll be right back."

Hillary WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now