His Phone Background Picture

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Happy- His background picture is of you leaning against his Harley at TM where you were waiting for him to get off work. Happy loves this picture because it has the two of the most important things to him in the world. You and his bike.

Quinn - Quinn's background picture is of you reaching your hand out to him. He had taken it when the two of you had gone up into the mountains for a weekend away. The two of you were on a hike and you had looked so beautiful with the mountain scenery behind you that Rane had to take a picture. Just at that moment you had turned around and reached out to him for him to join you making his heart warm at your gesture.

Jax - It's a picture of you and the boys cuddling in bed. One morning Jax had woken up early to make breakfast for the family and sometime while he was up cooking in the kitchen the boys had snuck into your bed and cuddled up to you.

Juice - His picture is of you and him down at the beach. He had taken the selfie when the two of you were walking along the pier. You had a bright smile on your face as you looked straight at the camera while wrapped up in Juan's arms.

Chibs - Chibs' picture is of you and Kerrianne laughing while sitting in your home in Charming. He had taken it during the summer when Kerrianne came down to visit and it warms his heart every time he looks at his phone and sees his two favorite girls.

Tig- Tig has a saucy little picture of you as his phone background. It's a shadowy picture of you laying in bed wearing nothing but a pair of lace panties. He had taken it while you were sleeping on your stomach with your hair fanned out on your pillow. The shadows created by the rising sun stretched across your naked back as the sheets sat low and twisted amongst your legs.

Kozik - Your old man would laugh every time he saw his background picture. It was from when you tried baking him a cake once on his birthday and he had caught the right moment of the blender exploding . You stood there in the kitchen laughing covered in ruined cake mix looking straight at Kozik taking a picture of you.

Opie- Opie's background was a picture of you high up on his shoulders at one of the town fairs. The two of you had gone with the other Sons and old ladies to the fair and at one point in the night you kept getting separated in the crowd so Opie lifted you up and set you on his shoulders as Juice snapped a picture of the two of you.


Until Next Time

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