Hey so the other day i was looking for some otayuri mpreg and could find none so im going to write a short one if i update it wont be on. A schedule because im very busy anyways this is my first story so please tell me what I could do better in comm...
Hey guys im having some trouble coming up with ideas so bear with me this is me wrtiting directly out of my head i think it i type it anyways i hope you enjoy this one
Otabek pov
We sat ther together hugging and crying into each others shoulders i pulled back and looked at yuri he is beautiful i thought to myself and my body just seemed to move on its own as i leaned in to kiss him as i reached his lips i kissed him softly at first but feeling yuris and my own desire grow it turned into a more passionate one and escalated from there i slowly started to kiss down his jaw and onto his neck lightly sucking earning a small moan from yuri i began to slide my hand under his shirt and felt his chest he made a noise at this I couldn't tell if it was annoyment or pleasure so i pulled away from our kiss and looked at him i saw something in his eyes I hadn't ever seen before lust i scanned his body quickly noticing a small bulge in his pants I threw started to unbutton his shirt yuri looked worried so I stopped and said yuri are you ok with this yuri whispered back yes I finished taking his shirt off then pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him again more lustfully this time i seated to move down his body biting his collarbones which he reacted to with moan i played teasingly with his nipples rolling them between my fingers then sucking and biting them mhmmm yuri moaned o-otabek stop .... teasing ..me he said painfully I complied and started to tug at his pants looking at him for permission he nodded in response allowing me to continue i gently removed his pants and left him with only his boxers on
Yuri pov
I payed on the bed under otabek the way he was teasing me was really staring to piss me off so i decided to turn him on a bit more he was sucking on my neck while palming me when I deluded to moan his name O-otabek a hhh o-tabek mo more please ......stop ..teasing .me upon hearing me moan his name became noticably more hard i glanced at his cloth noticing a large bulge in is pants
Becoming much to impatient i flipped otabek around so i was on top of him instead of the other way around the look of confusion and shock on his face was so sexy i started to grind on his erection and started to remove his shirt he stopped me and did it himself i began unbuttoning his pants and removed them and his boxers then i removed my own i scootled down and grabbed his member and started rubbing his length while teasingly licking the head of his member he moaned yuriii Moore please ...stop teas...ing me i obliged a started to take him fully in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down i reached down and grabbed my own erection and started to please myself i time with my head bobbing on otabek throbbing member i suddenly stopped and admired otabek beautiful naked body then ki leaned down and kissed him again
Otabek pov
Breaking away from yuris kiss i had had enough of this teasing and flipped him back underneath me i pumped him member while placing my fingers in his mouth giving the silent order to suck he obliged happily i pulled my fingers away and looked into his eyes for per missio he nodded and i continued downward ........
Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but this story i at least alot longer than the last one (703 words) hopefully i get into the real smut next chapter but i just remembered i had a big test to study for and have to pass that test so again if you liked the story vote and comment on haw i could do better i ewill try to took through any comments I receive and if you have any requests please do me also hr is another awesome drawing credit to the artist
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