Short Stories

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Hey, so i decided to write a few short stories here. Hope you guys enjoy this. :)

So I'm going to post this before I chicken out. :) Please tell me what you think of this. :D 

I was never one to believe in the supernatural. Warlocks, wizards and vampires meant nothing to me, until the day I stumbled upon a trick shop. I don't know how I got here, but i just remembered that my legs kept moving in the direction of the trick shop for some unknown reason. Situated at the edge of town, it was quite deserted and not many people were around. I was about to turn around and walk back home but something in the trick shop caught my eye. Sitting on the display shelf was a classic trick hat that you used in tricks. I remember my brother saying that he had wanted one for a long time. 

 Deciding to be the dotting older sibling, I went into the shop to buy the hat When I entered the shop, there was no one in sight. I thought there was no harm in just having a look at the hat right? When I turned around I was so surprised to see that it had started raining heavily. It was so sunny outside just now. Suddenly, I heard someone behind me say, "Ghastly Weather isn't it?" I turned back and saw an old lady walking up to me. "Yeah. The weather is so unpredictable" I replied wondering where she had appeared from. She must have been a ninja or something because I didn't know she was behind me until she started talking. "So tell me young girl, what brings you here?" "Oh! I just saw that trick hat through the window and I wanted to get it" I said

"Oh dear, I'm afraid that's not for sale, but tell me girl, do you believe in magic?" The old lady replied. I was so annoyed and angry at myself, one,I had walked all this way,and I had come into this shop wanting to buy the hat.  now I had  to leave without anything and not to mention walk back in the rain? So, I did something so out of character, I grabbed the hat and ran out of the shop. I could hear the old lady running and shouting after me. I stopped a few blocks away because I was out of breath. The next thing that happened spooked me out beyond believe. Standing right in front of me was the old lady, without a strand of hair out of place and not our of breath. I stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

"Who dares steal for the Great  Witch Mara?" The old lady said in a booming voice. What was this lady talking about? Witch? "I'm sorry ma'am, I didn'tean to...." I stuttered, "Young girl, who sent you? Tell me now!! Devlin? Beatrix? Axel? Do you know what that hat is worth? What you've done? Mundanes." She said shaking her head. " You always mess up everything. "Your fate is sealed, because you stole, you will be come invisible. Never to be seen again." What? What did she  just say? Me be invisible?  That's crazy, how would I live? What would become of my life? 

Then, the strangest thing happened. I looked at my skin and realised  I was glowing brightly. "What have you done to me?" The old lady just stood there, not moving. " For the sins of your hands, mundane, you shall be invisible, walking these hallowed, lonely streets, scaring little children away night after night." "No!!!!" I screamed " Please, I'm sorry for stealing, I'll never do it again. I don't want to be invisible! Please! My whole life will be ruined! If i'm invisible, I would be like a ghost, I would never have any friends" Please" I started crying after that.

The old lady took pity on me but the curse was already in effect. She then said to me" I can't stop the curse but if you can solve this riddle and go to the place mentioned, the man there will give you the cure. Let's hope he still has it." "Listen Carefully: 

                                     The trolls of old wandered here,                                                                                                                          Warlock, Wizards tremble in fear,                                                                                                                         When the winds howled and shook the earth                                                                                                   Somewhere forgotten by all men 

"That made no Sense!" I cried out "What trolls? They exist? Tell me more, I have to find this person you speak of." The old lady smiled st me sadly said  "Some things are beyond me and therefore I cannot tell you everything, but I will tell you this. The man you seek goes by the name of James Helling. You will find him when you solve the riddle. Right after she had said all this, she vanished.

Standing back up, I was renewed with strength and determination to seek this man out. I wanted to return to my normal life no matter what. So I returned home, quietly entered my house and went up to my room to pack my things for the journey. I left behind a long note explaining to my parents and brother about the impossible and not to worry about my absence. I was sure I would return soon. I stepped out of my house and took a deep breath. "Here we go" I said to no one in particular and so another adventure began. 

The End. 

So what did you think of the story. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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