The Scientist Ghost

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Old Decader Road, why you may be thinking? This Street has fear just in its name alone.


People hear this name and it sends shivers down their spines to make them quiver.


Old Decader Road holds the oldest story known to many people, who can remember the tragic and nightmare living thing that happened.


On Old Decader Road, in the middle of the street, on the left side of the block, stands the oldest living house you would ever see.


To some people, it is just a house but to the kids and adults who lived there well over fifty years ago, saw this house as “Death to All Who Come through the Front Gate.”


It started well over fifty years ago with a man by the name of Peter Livingstan.


Peter Livingstan was a scientist, a man dedicated to his work.


Livingstan lived alone except for the first few years of his married life.


He was married to a beautiful red headed woman, who for a living stood behind Livingstan in what he did. She was his assistant.


As I said before, he was dedicated to his work, sometimes going from night to day not eating, just experimenting.


Livingstan thought his life was great.


He had a job, a wife; they never had kids though because Livingstan’s wife wasn’t all that quite well. About two years after Livingstan and his wife were married; Livingstan’s wife was rushed to the emergency room, where she passed onto a better life.


Now realizing that life was not long, Livingstan was now determined to find a solution for making a person live longer, even if they are on the edge of death.


Going home with pain in his heart, he went to the basement of his house.


He never came up for his mail or even to answer the door. People were wondering where he was.


The only thing they could see was the light that shined through the basement windows.


Then one night, it happened.


While doing his research and experiments, he found it.


“Yes!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, “I have found it, the elixir for longer life.” “But will it work?”


Being excited and not thinking, he lifted the vial straight into the air and drank it.


He knew he hadn’t tested it, but he was in such a crazed state of mind that he just lost it.


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