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His eyes look down and his mouth were in a line. Throwing the Cirgratte away into his pocket and started to swing his arm to make the smoke disappear.

"class start in 10mins come on let's go."

Daniel's p. O. V. (Yay ikr new character's p. O. V.)

Yes I do like Lynn. But she's taken. I can't do anything but to look from far and giving them the blessing that everyone is giving too. Lynn was like a angel to me. Although we are not from the same class. Jealousy always take over whenever I saw jihoonie and Lynn together. I only smoke when I am stress. Looking at them makes me stress,school makes me stress,exams makes me stress. Is like the only thing that is inside my dictionary is STRESS.

I'm now in my homeroom class and my mind straight away thinks about that girl. She's quiet interesting to be honest. Even though her appearance doesn't stands out but her attitude does attracts me.

----------time skip to end school---------

I went out of class and saw y/n standing like one statue and looking at a direction of 45°. I look at that direction and saw jihoon and Lynn kissing. With no hesitation I grab y/n's hand and walk pass them I pull her out of school to the nearest ramyeon shop and settle down there. She did struggle out of my grip but I'm stronger.

"my threat " I said and gave her my signature smile 😄 she look at me with a confused face.

"I'll tell you after you order " and she look at the menu I gave her

"ahjuma" I called. And a 60 plus lady came with a smile, a paper on a palm size clipboard.

"one normal ramyeon please, thank you ." y/n said it politely

"make it two, thanks ahjuma!" I smiled at her and she went back to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients.

Y/n took out her phone and started playing. I stare at her for quite a long time.

"you know, is rude to stare" she suddenly said

"says the one who is suppose to be talking to me but she's playing her phone completely ignoring the fact that there's a person INFRONT her "
I stated, and she put down her phone and look at me.

"well what do you want to talk about?"

And awkward silence..

"hello? " she asked again

"you like our jihoonie right? " I said and look at her reaction. She didn't react much neither did she say anything. Which basically is the answer that I expected.

The ramyeon came and still she didn't say anything and just look at her ramyeon.

I break the wooden pair of chopstick and start to dig in

*slurps slurps slurps *

"I hate myself " she suddenly said and it makes me choke searching for water.

"I'm probably the ugliest girl you have ever meet, useless,stupid and many more negative things that can be list out is me. " and I stayed quiet

"When I was young all the boys only likes Lynn. Lynn, is the type of girl all the guys like. She have good grades ,good features and many positive that is possible to make her stand out is in her. Up until now no one once actually notice me and treated me like a trash. " she stop and took the chopstick and break apart and start to eat.

After the third time she put the ramyeon she put in her mouth I said "but I notice you. " and she look up at me, while I gave her the most sincere smile I had in my life.

She her eyes rolled up to look at me and back to the ramyeon and continue eating.

Y/n p. O. V.

It feels so weird that the kang Daniel from wanna one is with me now


____________skipped to next day because the author is being too lazy and out of ideas_______________

*still y/n p. O. V. *

" so ,you know yesterday is jihoon and I's aniversay and bought me this couple ring... " blah blah blah and on I'm not GOONA listen all of it cause it will only hurt my heart. My bootifull heart...

(a/n: no,ew)

shut up and get back writing my story

(a/n:...u got no jams , my heartu )

Okay so back to me, Lynn is still telling me and I'm pretending to listen of course. My mind was all occupied with stupid memes... Well who DOSENT?!

"hey back to earth y/n!" Lynn snapped her fingers right in front of my face bringing me back to reality.

"are you even listening? Haizzzz I felt that we've been distance after jihoon and I are together. We should really hang out but jihoon will always be by my side.... " she sighed while I look at her blankly

"hey Lynn! " yeah yeah. Guess who's that... Its.... Patrick.... Nah it's jihoon... He look at me for a second and smile and look back at Lynn again. Lynn told him about the situation of both of us with some lovely dovely actions like agyeo... Is not that I hate Lynn but it's kinda rare for her to do that when she's with me...

In the mean time I saw Daniel looking at my direction while giving me a smile and suddenly jogs to me. Lynn and jihoon look up, Lynn just gave a small wave at Daniel and he does it back. While jiho--

"hyung! " yeah that two guys did a bro hug

"hyung, what brings you here? " jihoon asked looking at Daniel,while Daniel give give a small smile and hold my hand.

"bringing this girl to some place "  he smile at me and mouth a 'gaja'(which means let's go)

Lynn and jihoon both look at us while I still struggle out from Daniel's grip. And of course his much more stronger he didn't let go of the grip, but he suddenly bride carried me out of the bench and put me down. Still smiling at me with his eye smile while helping to take my bag on the table saying bye to them pulling me out of the place to the same ramyeon shop.

I guess...He...Likes to eat in this shop...


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