Chapter 1 - Missing Daniel

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Hello! People. This is my first time writing so please be nice with the comments! 


It was midnight and I was munching on some chips and scrolling through Tumblr when I heard the police sirens. I signed knowing that another teen is probably missing. A few young adults have gone missing these past few weeks. The city is in chaos and most parents, including mine are keeping their kids in. It actually suits me better since no school means more time for me to squeal over handsome guys in K-dramas. Pulling my covers off, I got up to the window when I heard that the sirens are not fading away. I should be more concerned about my city but this is pretty normal in Yangon. Looking out the window, I saw my neighbors talking to the police. Spotting my mom downstairs, I trudged down the stairs and out the door frowning when the cool AC leaves me. I went over to my mom and she told me that our neighbor's son is missing. "Daniel?" I questioned. "Yes"

*A week later*

Daniel Min has been missing for a week now. The neighbors have been distraught. It was all so surreal. All of the missing people were someone else until now. Daniel went to the same school as me and everyone was spooked. Walking into the school, I could feel the tension in the students. No one was fooling around for once. I saw my best friend Darli, sitting at her chair in our class. I walked over and started tickling her. "Stop it Khay, it's not funny." Frowning I looked at her and she was near tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked as the teacher walked in. "I'll tell you later". "Okay" I replied as the homeroom teacher banged her file on the table smiling. She's too cheery. A boy just went missing.

"Class, I have great news for you, we are going on a school trip!" Apparently, the school decided to go ahead with the yearly school trip even though a student was missing. "In light of recent events, the school boards of education have decided to move forward with our plans for the annual school trip after suffering from a devastating loss" were the exact words of the principal.

Darli mumbled "What a load of shit, he's not dead".

It was lunch time and it seemed like everyone has forgotten about Daniel. People were laughing and talking about the upcoming trip to an island in the Mergui Archipelago. I dragged Darli to the video room for lunch. I know it is a video room but who cares we don't even get to use it anyway and no one comes by so we can have our lunch in peace. I opened up my lunch box "Spill everything, what's wrong?"

She sighed and began to tell me her story "So Daniel is my boyfriend and we have been together for a few months now". "What the hell! How come I don't know this? I thought I was your best friend! "I interrupted. Darli looked as if she was about to cry. "Khay, I wanted to tell you, but you know my parents don't want me dating and Daniel's mom is very strict with the relationship thing as well and I know you don't like Daniel so we decided to keep it a secret" she smiled. I was angry, how did I not notice that my best friend was dating my neighbor and how the hell did Darli agreed to dating that Asshole? "Khay, I know what you are thinking, but he's been good to me and he's so sweet and I miss him so much" she said. "There's also something elsseee, but you have to promise me that you will not get mad" Darli whispered. "What is it? After this, I don't think there is anything you can say that can make me madder"

"I think I am pregnant"

I take back what I said about getting mad. "What do you mean you THINK you are pregnant! When did you even have sex?" I nearly screamed. Darli flinched "I love him Khay and you are not helping with the situation by screaming" she sobbed. Seeing her cry like that, made me feel guilty and I do something that I would never do even to my best friend. I hugged her.

"There, There. We'll find a way to solve this".*Pats back awkwardly* Surprised, Darli looked up and smiled "You are right will you come with me today to get a pregnancy test?"

"Sure" I said pulling her up as the lunch break bell rings.

Shit, I thought to myself I haven't eaten lunch yet. I was so mad and also felt so sad for Darli that I forgot to have lunch. 

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