Hey, I'm Kandy - Kandy

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Hi, I'm kandice but people call me Kandy.
I live with my unloving parents, Jake and Samantha.
Our relationship has been shattered over time
I'm nearly fifteen but I've basically been raising myself for nearly three years it was hard and hurtful buts it's toughened me up it's flattened out most my flaws.
Ie been unloved, un-noticed for almost three years. This has made me a different person, if at school someone said they wanted to fight I had no parent to run to so I just trained myself, making sure I never lost a fight seeing as I would never have a parent to rush me to river-wood hospital.

I got up again and got changed, bored.
I don't get tired because I'm asleep by eight every night on schedule, because I didn't have time to be tired.
I'm instantly awake so instantly energized I had no need to exercise grabbing some bread and perfectly throwing it into the toaster, after a year of practise I didn't even look at the two meter throw. Not rushing my teeth cleaning seeing as I've not been to a dentist for two years and don't seem to be going to one for a while, calmly and quickly packing my bag and shoes on.
Toaster pings, toast flies and I grab it on may way out, walk to school;down, left, run past the mad dog, right, down, jump over the broken pipe and into school. I tried to pay attention at school but I was distracted by the crush of my life, Klieth Dythlan a sporty Spanish kid who is a complete stereotypical jock his accent isn't thick but quite steryiotipicly romantic, who seemed to be interested in me but was put off when a group of popular girls started giggling at my blushing.
I asked for a bathroom pass and calmed myself down. But when I re-entered the classroom I snuck in a quick slap on the back of their heads. After school, in the grounds I waited for the bus while one handed dangling from a tree, I had grabbed myself some attention. I heard gasps, "OK I thought."
I looked up and saw a load curious faces pointing there phones at me. I didn't understand until I went to catch my bus, and then cursed my foolishness and ran to the bus. I don't like to be noticed or publicised.

I love puzzles it trains the brain and its something to do, for my parents don't organise things for me to do and I'm not old enough to. I did 4 master level soduko puzzles in the 10 minute bus ride home.


This chapter is about getting Kandice's back-story set up and going.

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