The Nature of Hunters

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Standing in a bush outside of the town, I watch the people still walking about. I decide that I see no dragon hunters, so I come out of the bush and start walking toward town. I don't let my guard down for a second as I walk past people, looking through shop windows. As I make my way to the produce stands, theres one shop that stops me in my tracks. It's certainly new, selling Ender themed products.

I can usually brush aside seeing things that remind me of home, but theres a sign on the window saying 'See our dragon hunters about their stories, egg collections, and training! Maybe you can be one of us!'. Oh, that makes my blood boil. One thing makes me want to go in there, steal something, and burn the place down. Its the dragon eggs. Later I tell myself and force myself to keep walking as people begin to stare.

I approach the produce stands and start stuffing apples, carrots, and beetroots into my bag when noones watching. That is, until someone coughs in an obvious attempt to get my attention. I look up and glare at them, but they are unphased. "It's rude to steal, don't you know?" They say.

I bare my fangs and growl "Do not put your hand near a hungry wolf.". Playing off as a wolf is usually enough to scare a human off.

At least, it's enough for this one to say "Whatever." and walk off.

Once I think I have enough to last a few days, I decide to leave a few iron bars on the table, then turn and walk off to the Ender shop. I go over what to say and how to keep my cool in my mind as I get to the door. I know I'm taking a huge risk just being here, but I have to, so I push open the door. I force my eyes to the shelves on a side wall, refusing to meet the eyes of the man at the desk.

"Anything I can help you with, miss?" He asks.

"Not yet. I'd just like to look around for now." Just checking how worthy your death is.

"Alright, just ring the bell up here if you need anything." He says, then goes into the back of the shop.

I distract myself looking at a little black box. I pick it up and look inside, showing me a ring inside with a fake Eye of Ender on top. Tacky I think and put it down. I move on to a sword on the wall, seeing 'Dragon Slayer' written in the base of the blade. I pick up the sword, examining the enchantments; Smite IV, Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, and Fire Aspect I. I fake a swing on it to see how it balances in my hands. A bit heavy for me, but it could fit Endev.

I have to resist the urge to smell it to see if it was used to kill a dragon, in case a shop person is still watching. Instead I put it on the front desk and move to the other side wall, investigating some map sets. They seem to be directions to.. and End portal? That must mean theres something to go back to! I hide my happiness in interest, and put a set of maps on the front desk. I look around the shop one more time to see if theres anything else I should get. Nothing I can't get on my way out.

With that, I ring the bell and wait. The man comes out of the back and smiles pleasantly "How can I help you miss?".

"Your sign, it says to ask about your egg collection. Is it really here?" I ask, trying to sound purely interested.

"Yes it is. I suppose you'd like to see it?" He grins.

"I would. Can I?" My eyes widen in wonderment.

"Sure, if you'll just follow me into the back." He says and goes back into the back. Any bit of my guard that was slacking immediately picks up as I follow him. Inside, theres four people. One of the definitely smells of dragon blood. I force a smile and wave to the others, then turn back to the first man. He motions to the front wall, which has two shelves lined with dragon eggs. "The five of us alone have been able to take twenty-seven escaped dragons out." He sounds proud to have killed so many of us.

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