Chapter 4: I will miss you

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Dear Gemini twin
Congratulations!!! You have been chosen to go to Zodiac Academy for gifted children.
Please pack your. a limo will pick you up on August 5 at 5:00.
With all our love and good wishes
Zodiac Academy.

*I kept reading the letter over and over again.*

*I didn't believe it I Gemini Twin is chosen to go to Zodiac Academy.*

*I can't wait to leave this stupid house and leave my stupid abusive step father, but I felt bad for leaving my mother with this stupid jerk.**

"Honey are you done packing?" Said a sweat gental voice behind me

"Almost mother" i responded

"Are you sure you will be ok mother. I could stay if you want me to" i said holding my breathe.

"No sweatheart i shall be fine, you need to get out of here and make friends and be far away as possible from your father."

*I let out a deep breathe*

"I will miss you so much, mother"

"I will miss you too swearheart.
You will always be my little girl no matter what"

"be carful and keep your eyes opened."

"What is that supposed to mean mom"

"I just want you to be safe." She said in a fearful voice."

" will be ok, mom "

*We sat on the edge of my bed in silence.*

Im sorry for not wrighting in a while

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