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Delirious's POV

Me and Lui said we could get in really big trouble if Vanoss finds out. I don't care. He's hurt me already so I know his weakness.

This place looked like it could collapse down on us at any minute. It was cool knowing that crazy people like me died in here.

Me and Lui went to the roof. We sat and watched the sun come up. "Can I tell you something?" Lui asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." He took a deep breath. "Is it bad that I still love my dad?" He asked. "No. You shouldn't hate him because of his actions. If you still have that strong connection with him that's great." I smiled weakly. He did too.

"Do you hate your dad?" I looked down then back you at the sun. "Yes, yes I do."

"But don't you have that connection with him?" He asked using my own words against me.

I sighed. "I hate him because he doesn't accept me. I hate him because he abused me. I hate him because he took his pain out on my mother. I hate him because he killed my mother. He can rot in hell." I said on the verge of tears.

Lui rubbed my back. "I hate me because it should have been me. Not my mother." Lui said soothing words.

After a while, we heard a big bang inside the building. Me and Lui looked at each other.

I got up and went inside. We both saw this security guard. I licked my lips. Lui held on to the hood of my jacket but I needed this.

I tackled the guard to the floor. He struggled to get free. I saw his walkie-talkie. I grabbed it and threw it to Lui.

He smashed it under his foot. I grabbed my knife out of my pocket. I aimed it at his stomach. "Goodnight sweetheart." I stabbed him deeply.

He screamed in pain. I chuckled evilly. Suffer. You must suffer like I did. I stabbed him in his arm.

He was getting weaker. Lastly I stabbed him right in the heart. The life drained out of him. He took his final breath.

I looked at my work of art. I smiled at it. Beautiful. I looked at Lui. He looked amazed. I chuckled. "What, you've never seen someone die before?"

He looked up at me. "Not like that. We only use guns." I chuckled once more. "That's no fun."

I grabbed my knife out of his body and put it back in my pocket.

Me and Lui walked home. It was about 9:30 in the morning now.

We saw some lights on. Lui groaned. "Okay we need to sneak in." Lui said in his squeaker voice. I nodded.

Lui walked in first and I closed the door behind us. We heard someone clear their throat.

I looked up to see Wildcat I believe. He looked mad. "H-Hey Wildcat." Lui said nervously.

"Where were you two?" He asked with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes. "We were out." I said harshly. Wildcat scoffed.

"I know you're new around here but you do not talk to me like that." I rolled my eyes. "Bitch." I said under my breath.

Just as I said that, I felt an impact on my left eye. I fell to the floor in pain. Lui stopped before Wildcat could do anymore damage.

I got up and stormed to my room, slamming the door in the process.

I laid on my bed and put my headphones on full volume. I'm tired of this shit. He reminds me of my father.

With that thought, I drifted to sleep.

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