Maaannn i humiliate myself allot. I never even see it coming. Where do i get this shyness. Is it me or my low self confidence. I can never understand it. I even hate it. It kept me from allot of things that could have been good for me, and now I'm lonely. Lonely because i fear the world out there and what could come from it. I would rather lock myself inside just because i would be afraid to be hurt and hear the lies people tell me. But at other time when I'm with my homies or best friends im not afraid to be me for which they accept me for me. My mom thinks I'm scared of my shadow, i don't think so.i think I'm just scared to face the world and what comes of it. I'm not sure, i probably am shy or naw.
Am i shy or Naw?
PoetryI'm this shy lonely person that most people can't understand