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We, serial killers, are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead by tomorrow."

- Ted Bundy


ARIA BLACK had done her research. She had watched videos of investigators from the Behavioural Unit of the FBI with psychopathic killers. She had read articles. And then she made a list. She understood that not all psychopaths become serial killers but her list was directly related to the ones that do. She had made it as short as possible, believing that these were the key things she needed to remember. In her scratchy handwriting, it read:

1) Psychopaths, unlike the movies portray, can be prosocial. Prosocial psychopaths often fly under the radar because they are able to behave well within the expectations of their society, and they appear to live normal lives. This category of psychopathy is particularly dangerous because they are harder to spot. Think Patrick Bateman. For example: Jeffery Dahmer was seen by many as a thoughtful, active citizen. Dahmer supported gay rights in his hometown, behaved well within the walls of his society, but was secretly killing and eating young men in the dark.

2) A number of them have tried to end their lives. Many Psychopaths have attempted suicided on countless occasions. For example: Charles Cullen had tried to kill himself 20 times before he committed his crimes.

3) A psychopath can be identified by their contradictions in speech. They are pathological liars and will manipulate, and intimidate you into believing it were the truth.

4) A psychopath will lie about the people in their life. They can lie about their parents, even children, and go to great lengths to keep the lies going. If they tell you stories about betrayal or sadness, are they lying to relate to your tragedy or to gain your empathy?

5) Psychopaths can be, unfortunately, excessively charming (especially the prosocial kind). They are often easy to like and are great at making small talk. They are also often quick witted and will flatter you with compliments. However, this is a facade. The violent tendencies will permeate through when provoked.

6) A psychopath, during conversation, will make quick changes in speech. These changes are done quite quickly and suddenly in order to to throw you off balance, so as to make you stumble from the control you think you have.

7) Psychopaths lack empathy and their logic is unbelievably flawed.

8) Psychopaths often have a grandiose sense of self importance. They believe they are better than everyone and will put you down in order to rise up.

9) He can not have the upper hand.

10)For fuck sake, Don't let him have the upper hand.

And then, Aria signed the contract.

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