The Apology (Part II)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, slamming my fist down on it nearly breaking the damned thing. "Life would be great if the alarm clock didn't even exist!" I grunted and sat up on my bed, rubbing my (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes.

It was Saturday and that means no school. Finally some time alone, a day of relaxation, a time of peace and quiet, tranquility all around me, and sitting on the couch while watching movies all day until my eyes bleed. Hey its true, I spend my day in front of the TV all day every Saturday...well that was a complete lie.

I stood up on my bed and headed to the bathroom to do my morning ritual. After a moment or two, I was finished and got dressed. I was wearing my (F/C) shirt with my (2nd F/C) hoodie, black jeans, and a pair of (3rd F/C) shoes. I walked outside my room and noticed the familiar blond haired boy standing in front of me, Naruto. I averted my look towards the staircase and headed outside.

Its been a week since the incident occur, that's right a week. Since then we didn't even bother to look at each other or talk like we used to. Knowing that Naruto is still guilty to what he did to me and Sasuke. But I still can't believe that he thought I was replacing him with Sasuke, unbelievable.

I walked out leaving Naruto and headed to Sasuke's house. I decided to hangout with him today, since I don't have anything better to do at this point. As I was walking, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look around and to my surprise I saw Neji, holding a book. "Ah (Y/N) ohayo." he said calmly, smiling a little as well. "Ohayo Neji-kun, what's with the book?" I pointed at it and he chuckled. "Ah this, I'm heading to Sasuke's house to return it." "Weird, I was heading there myself. You wanna walk there with me?" I asked and he gave me a nod for an answer and we headed there.

As we walk there, we got to catch up to some things since I went away. I never seen him smile like this before, I knew him as a silent and serious type of guy, but now I felt that he is different, probably just when he is around me. After a minute or two, we reached Sasuke's house and knocked on the front door.

The doorknob turned and it opened, revealing Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. "Ohayo Itachi-kun." I said as I look at Neji only to see the book on the ground. I looked around and I heard my phone chimed. I took it out and read the message.

To: (Y/N)
From: Neji

Sorry but I remembered that I need to do some errands. Please return the book to Sasuke.

I sweat dropped and picked the book up, looking at Itachi again. "Please head inside, Sasuke's in his room." I nodded and went inside, heading to his room. Upon arriving to the front door of his room, I knock the door to check is he was there. "Come in." he said as I quickly did so.

I went inside and closed the door behind me, seeing Sasuke on his bed lying down. "What happened?" I asked as I placed the book down on his study table. "Isn't it obvious Sherlock. I'm sick!" he said making a small sniffle and sneezes as well. "Guess I picked a bad time on hanging out with you." I said as I chuckle and he glared at me dead straight on my (E/C) orbs meeting his black ones.

I sighed and looked at him. "Guess I'll come back another time, please take care of yourself and get well soon." I said as he nodded and walked out of the room. I walked outside, saying goodbyes to the Uchihas and proceeds on going home.

"I'm really spending my Saturday in the couch again." I groaned and to my surprise someone texted me. I quickly look at my phone to see who texted me.

To: (Y/N)
From: Hinata

(Y/N)-kun, can we meet up at (Fave Cafe) today?

I quickly texted an "Ok" and proceeded to the cafe. Luckily it was a short walk from here, so I didn't get lost, unlike the first time I went there, I went completely nuts about it. A minute came by and I reached the cafe and saw Hinata waving at me. I waved back and sits across her.

That's funny, I thought Hinata is with Naruto since they are in a relationship now. "Hi Hinata." I said with a smile as she replied with a simple "Hello". "So, what's up?" I asked as she looked at me and took a deep breath. "(Y/N)-kun, I know you and Naruto have been brothers for a long time I just wanted to know, why?" she stopped as I saw tears falling down from her eyes making its way down to his face. "Why are you like this? Avoiding him all this time, he tried to say sorry for the past couple of days, but you're pushing him away. If you're really his brother, please try to listen to him." she said as Karma is laughing down at me, making me feel guilty for the things I have done to avoid Naruto. Hinata's words pierce right through me at an instant, I sighed and looked at her scratching my (H/C) hair as I touched her shoulder. "I'll try Hinata, but I won't make any promises." I said as she nodded and hugged me. Guess its time to break the awkward silence in the house.

After the talk we had I decided to go home making sure to listen on what will Naruto say. As I was walking down the road engulfed in my own thoughts, a truck was speeding towards me, the driver was busy talking on his phone not noticing the person who he was about to hit. As he took a glace he was surprised and starts to honk the horn. I look up breaking away from my thoughts and saw a bright light from the truck, making a direct impact on me.


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