The begining of a nightmare

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The whole fight was a small blur in the whirl wind of up coming events for the honey blonde child. Before she knew it she as being forced into the truck of a car then soon dumped in a river a couple miles away from her little city. What was happening? She would never be found by anyone, her mother and father never paid attention to her and focused on her brilliant older brother, leaving everything for her to do on her own and with minimal friends no one would report her missing until it was to late. She only felt the cold rush on her body as she was tossed into the river and pushed down it until she finally woke up and tired all she could to swim to the edge and rest, she took the things from her small bag she had under her jacket tat the teacher hadn't taken. There was a mirror, she looked at her self and gasped at the tainted color in her eyes with the scars on her face and arms from the fight. She looked horrible and scary, she shoved the mirror in her small bag again and stood, jumping when she heard some rustling in the bushes and began to run when she saw men walking out from the bushes. She ran as fast as she could but ended falling onto the floor and being crashed away easily. The only other thing she could remember is being put in a bright room and left here after sciences things being rolled in, that's when she was left alone and began to gain her consciousness and reality. What this a dream? She remember about 120 miles from the city she lived in there was a research center that tested deadly chemical changes on actual humans. When she sat up the saw 2 brief cases with weird colored liquid in shots with sharp needles. She looked around and grabbed things to escaped; 2 scalpels, a small notebook with notes on what the chemicals did (skimmed threw it), and the two brief cases. She shoved the sharp objects and the small book into her small bag and looked around the room, seeing the hand cuffs they used to restrain her to get her to the building and hand cuffing the cases to her arm and running, the doctors only noticed her gone when she was out the door and running back into the woods she had been taken out off.

When she stopped she noticed a legs tree house and climbed up into it, panting and shaking. WHAT E HELL WAS GOING ON?! It had started as a normal day in the morning but now in the late after noon she hiding from scientists in a tree house with important chemicals help close to her, this was weird. She took one the the cases off and opened it and took a shot out and looked threw the book to see what it was, she had already had some injected into her so her veins were large, it was some sort of jelly fish poising that caused a somewhat have infection that went away in a couple hours. She was about to inject it into herself as she heard a crack and jumped out of the tree house. The other chemicals began to effect her as all her sense went crazy and she held her head and began to run. The shot still I her hand but as she turned and saw something, a video game character....NO, it was Link from Legend of Zelda....but he looked creepy and horribly disturbed. He moved towards her and she freaked, running towards him and injecting him with the small poison and running. Was that the old legend of BEN, that's kid ghost who created a game virus in a game which haunted it, no it couldn't be but now it was hurt if and she was running back to the treehouse where she felt safe. That's where she desired to read that book again...find out what's else she could do to fuck herself up...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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