Were it all began the 16th August 2002 a shocking birth full of dramatic events, the near death of my mother. She had prepared a note for the doctors if she didn't make it so they could gift it to her loved husband and already born sons .
The easy births described on TV or the story's your told as a child are sugar coated and full of lies to try and cover up the relistic factors of birth especially when child birth goes wrong.
My mother had been in Labour unaware of what was about to unfold ahead she had given birth twice before and expected it to go just as it did before painfull but not dangerous to her or her soon to be baby girl.
She was a few hours into Labour and she was struck with the news that she had preeclampsia all help was given to try and prevent the devastation it can cause.Although it wasn't enough she was made to make a decision no mother or family should have to make ....