Till Death do Us Part

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The walk up the mountain seemed to take forever and no time at all. The trees passed in a blur, every step fading into the next in a steady rhythm of nothing. The red haired boy was silent, the only sound to be heard was the animals in the trees.

He came to the clearing and saw it. Class 3-E's old shack of a building. A surge of memories hit him hard, and his steps faltered. He hadn't been back here since the accident. It took all of his willpower to push down his rising nausea and continue to the back of the school building.

He kept walking until he reached the cliff, the very same cliff he tried falling off to kill Koro-sensei. He stopped a few feet from it's edge, and looked down at the tombstone lying just on the brink.

Here lies Nagisa Shiota
Member of Class 3-E
Much Loved

"Hey, Nagisa. It's been a while, hasn't it?"  Karma said softly, trying to smile but it came out as a grimace. "You'll never guess what happened a week ago. Kayano got married. You remember her boyfriend? They finally tied the knot."

He sat down, looking at the ground.

"And Sugino? He made that team he was going for."

Karma glanced at the grave, and let out a humorless laugh.

"You know, I've never been too good at talking like this. Nice, and all."

There was no reply, and Karma could feel his throat closing with emotion.

"Strange, isn't it? We always thought we'd be taken out by a rival assassin, have our throat slit in our sleep or some crap like that. But oooh no, you had to go and get yourself hit by a car saving someone. Assassins are supposed to kill, but you gave your life t-to..."

He trailed off as tears streamed down his face. He pulled his knees to his chest, feeling more sorrow than he had ever felt in his life, more even than when Koro-sensei died.

The sudden fact hit him fully, perhaps for the first time:

Nagisa was gone.

Rage and despair rolled over him, until all he could see was red. He jumped up, screaming his heartache into the void. He screamed until his throat was raw and his voice was cracking, and the yells turned to quiet sobbing.

He colapsed onto the ground, kneeling in front of the tombstone.

"It hurts, Nagisa." He whispered. "It hurts like hell, knowing all that we could've done, all we SHOULD have done. The missions we never got to go on together, the times spent with our friends, things we never got to say. Hell, I couldn't even get the courage to tell you I loved you.... Nagisa, I think I'm broken."

He inched closer, and leaned down to whisper even quieter "I love you, Nagisa," and kissed the grave, heart shattering the moment his lips met the cold stone. He got up, not being able to bear the ache any longer, and turned to leave. Just as he was about to re-enter the trees, he turned back, staring at the lone gravesite sitting on the cliff, the setting sun casting a pale glow over it, and raised his hand in a wave.

And as he looked away, maybe, just maybe, he glimpsed a figure, with  blue hair and bright eyes, smile and wave back.


Okay, I'll admit, that was pretty depressing to write, but I just felt the need to write it down because it's been stuck in my ideas for a while.

Please feel free to comment and request future stories!

Thanks for reading.

~Pi_Cat_ :3

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