The Tale Of The God Of Space And Time

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Ozpin watched as Salem walked out of the room after gloating about her victory even more. He shook his head as the door behind her closed.

"Things were not supposed to end like this." Ozpin thought to himself as he glanced at the grimm-like container that held Jaune. He then remembered Salem when she was a human, when she was almost his fiancé.

Over a thousand years ago, things were much different....


Some time later, Ozpin awoke to the sound of something's claws scraping on the floor heading towards him.

"I'm afraid it's time, Ozpin." Salem said as she walked into the room, a new grimm never before seen appearing next to her. Unlike the previous grimm, this one did not resemble any animal seen on Remnant. It had massive arms which housed it's signature feature: four large claws, each the size of Ozpin's head. It's legs were short but thick, opposite of it's long yet ever-wide arms.

"I see you've finally created your own grimm instead of just copying animals." Ozpin taunted, earning a scoff from Salem.

"I merely perfected Remnant's animals. Besides, I know full well that you will just reincarnate which his why I've found the perfect specimen to torture you as you watch your world burn and crumble." Salem turned to the new beast before nodding at it.

"I call it a Leorn." Salem said as the used it's claws to slash Ozpin's left thigh, earning a grunt of pain as he tried not to release his voice.


Unbeknownst to Salem and Ozpin, Jaune could hear everything in the room. Due to the liquid that was surrounding him, he couldn't move. Perhaps the liquid had a paralyzing effect.

He could hear Ozpin's grunts of pain, then a door closing. He speculated that the door closing was Salem leaving, however Ozpin was continually  being tortured. What made the scene even more gruesome was the fact that he "Leorn" paused for different amounts of time in between it's slashes.

"Professor Ozpin..." Jaune said in his mind as he sympathized with him.

"Yes, Jaune?" Ozpin's voice rang through Jaune's head.

"What the- Ozpin!? Ahy are yo-"

"It is a part of my semblance. I have been waiting for your mind to awaken and not merely be cognizant of your surroundings."

"So you knew this entire time!?"

"Of course. The liquid you are currently in is called "RedGlo." It is what the  common animals are stored in when Salem decides to create more Grimm beasts."

"So will I become a grimm?"

"Normally, yes. That is what Salem is aiming for, to turn you, the Oracle Of Light, into a Grimm."

"Oracle of light?"

"Yes. Your mother, Jaine Arc, was the oracle of light before you. The Oracle Of Light is the strongest human alive. When Salem first took control of the grimm, the God's created three beings to counter the beasts: Myself, which they called 'The Oracle Of The Soul,' and the 'Oracle Of Light.' The Oracle Of Light's powers can only be passed on once the previous Oracle has died. My power, however, is reincarnation. I can never die nor lose my memories until Salem is defeated. My job was to guide humanity, to teach them to protect themselves. The Oracle Of Light's job was to kill the Vassal Of Death, Salem."

"Wait, you said three beings. How come you've only mentioned two?"

"The third being has sealed her powers away. She is a being created by the gods, however calling herself a god is far more accurate. In simpler terms, she is known as the Goddess Of Space and Time."


Glynda's eyes suddenly opened, signaling her awakening. She sat up, her left hand gently touching her left temple as if it would help subside her headache. Her right arm was in a cast, wrapped in thick cloth that wrapped around her neck as well.

"Good, you're awake." Tai Yang Xiao Long said as he twisted the towel in his hands, water leaking from it and dripping into the sink.

"Where are we?"

"Atlas. Every other Kingdom has fallen." Tai replied.

"And your daughters? I thought Ruby was captured by Salem?"

"We managed to get her out. While we were fighting, Yang, Blake, and Weiss snuck into the castle and freed her. She's in a coma right now."

"And Ozpin?" Glynda asked. Tai shook his head.

"He came to his senses just as Salem appeared. He shielded us, sacrificing himself so we could escape. It wasn't pretty."

"Yes, nothing in this world is anymore." Glynda replied calmly. Tai sighed.

"Your arm, with the new medication Atlas has provided, will heal in three days. Most of the fracturing has already been taken care of by the doctors."

"I suppose that is good news."

"it's the only good news. The Grimm are expected to attack Atlas in three days, according to the satellites."

"Well. I suppose it is time, is it not?" Tai suddenly looked at her, knowing what she was thinking.

"It's dangerous, but it might work."

"If I release the seal, someone has to kill me after, Tai."

"I know." Tai replied. "I just hope you can control your full powers so you don't go berserk like Ozpin told me you did years ago."

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