Tip 3: Stay Motivated

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I stare at the single word written in white chalk on the board. Motivation.

Mr. Elmsworth, guidance counselor, steps away from the board, chalk in hand. He takes a wooden pointer, and hits it against the board with authority. I flinch.

"What is motivation?" He asks, as if expecting a single answer from the students. Everyone in the room is silent, and I swear I can hear a fly start to buzz somewhere.

He sighs in disappointment, and adjusts his pair of glasses which are seemingly always clean. "Come on class, someone speak up."

Melinda (the teacher's pet, who usually always carries the extra writing utensils.) gives her opinion on the matter almost too quickly, like words can't keep up with the speed at which her thoughts are moving.

"Motivation is the driving force that compels you to accomplish a task, and or goal. It also keeps you focused on what you want to achieve, for instance-."

He raises a hand politely, which promptly shuts her up. She'll do anything to meet the teachers wishes.

"I think we all understand the concept quite well by now. But thank you, Melinda." She smiles to spite the rest of the class. It takes all of my will power to resist throwing my text book at her head. Wouldn't want to ruin that perfect head of hair, now would I?

"So. Motivation, like Melinda stated, is the driving force that compels you to keep doing something. What is one thing that keeps you motivated?" He asks, waiting for the hands to shoot up. A scrawny kid in the back raises his hand first.

"My dad."

More hands come up.

"My mom."

"My uncle."

"My baby brother."

"My friend Jamie."

"My passion for art."

"Running in track."

Look at them. They all care so much. But ultimately, I guess that's all they have. Their passions.

Mr. Elmsworth has written most of the student's answers. I have no idea how he writes so quickly in such a short amount of time. There are a lot of things I have no idea about, I realize.

"All of these are great answers. Anything can motivate you to do what you love. You just have to find something that keeps you on track. Remember to stay motivated, because if you don't, you will never achieve your goals in the future."

Maybe there was truth to some of his words. Maybe there wasn't. All I know is that I didn't ask for a therapy session today. Or any day, for that matter. But it seems that the universe is against me most of the time.

I debate with myself in my head if I should add on to what Mr. Clean was saying. I raise my hand slowly, and he nods his head in my direction. "Sir? What if nothing can motivate you?" It was a useless and stupid question. I knew he wouldn't give me a clear answer, but maybe I just wanted to "Collaborate" with the class, so to speak.

He frowns slightly, then smiles, pretending that I couldn't see his disappointment. Why did I even say anything?

"There's bound to be something that motivates you. List something off the top of your head."

I do what he asks, and I know he'll be disappointed in my answer. "Myself."

He nods and shrugs. "Well, some people are self motivated, but I wouldn't try to be. What about the important people in your life? How do they motivate you?"

"Yep. I knew he would say something like that." I think. I open my mouth to respond, but the bell rings as if on que, saving me from a question I had no intention of answering.

I sigh in relief when I get out of that cramped and dusty classroom. Mostly, because I didn't have to respond to a question I had no answer to.

Maybe he was right. You can't be self-motivated.

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