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Disclaimer: I do now own Attack On Titan or any of its characters. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

This is a smut one shot, and let's make this very clear.


I know people will dislike this fact. However, I'm an experimental writer. I enjoy writing from numerous perspectives and numerous ships. I understand this may not be your cup of tea. But I do ask that you respect that about me.

Without further ado, let us commence the smexy!

"Levi, you've been mulling the same documents for the last six hours," Eren whined. I hummed, however did nothing more knowing that the Titan brat continued to sulk and pout from the comfort of the couch. I skimmed, checked, and signed more papers. The while the stack was noticeably less than a few hours prior, I still had many to go through.

"I can't ignore them," I mumbled. "Erwin would have my head." Eren groaned before flopping back on the couch. "You don't have to stay here, you know," I pointed out. "You're not even helping me in the least bit."

"I would if I could," he muttered. "But Armin confuses me too much."

"I could teach you to read," I responded. "Erwin taught me and I turned out well. You're younger than me so you should pick up quickly."

"Liar, I'd bang your ass at every moment before learning from you," Eren blatantly stated. I blinked rapidly before aggressively signing the current document under my hands. I was almost positive I looked flushed but quickly tried to mask it by taking a big gulp of tea.

"Unlike some brats, I've got self restraint," I said. Suddenly, Eren got up and smirked as he walked around to lean over my back and threw his arms over my shoulders, straddling the back of the chair.

"Self restraint?" he whispered into my right ear making my shoulders tense. "Why don't we find out how good that self restraint of yours is, Levi?" I shuddered as his pink tongue licked my ear lobe before he rested his chin in the crook of my neck. A small gasp escaped my mouth as he ran his hand under my shirt, tracing my collarbones. This brat was unwinding my barriers with every touch of his sinful fingers.

However, there had to be a limit for everything. I abruptly stood up and threw his arms away. I turned grabbed the collar of his uniform.

"Eren, I need to get these done. Do me a favor and take a seat or go bother someone else," I growled. Eren slapped my hand away and sighed.

"Oh, so I'm a bother to you, huh, Levi? You think this is a game to me? Is my love really that insubstantial to you?" he scoffed. "Fine then. Be that way, captain." I immediately regretted my actions as I watched Eren stomp away, eyes looking forward with no remorse. I immediately bolted after him and caught his shoulder.

"Eren, wait!" I cried. "I didn't mean it like that. I just have a lot of paperwork and—"

"Would it hurt you to spend casual time with me even once over the last 18 days?" Eren sternly said. "I train, I shower, I eat, and then I wait on your goddamned couch everyday. Time passes by, and all I can do is watch you. Why can't you just come over and love me?"

"It's my job, Eren! I'm sorry, I-I'll make it up to you, okay? I've just been stressed over this. It'll pass and we can hang out for a little, alright?" I urged. Suddenly, Eren gripped my arms and leaned dangerously close to my ears. I could feel his breath on my neck and his heart beat against my chest.

"Levi," he whispered. "...I can't wait anymore." My world was suddenly flipped as Eren picked me up over his shoulder so my vision was upside down. My body hit the unused sheets of my bed and Eren swiftly went to work stripping me of all my harnesses and clothes as well as his own. The cold air made me hiss before my mind narrowed onto an ill-fated situation. For a slight moment, I glared at him as his eyes glazed over me like I was a hunk of meat. He adjusted himself so his body blocked my view of the horror.

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