Chapter 1

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Quick note here so you guys don't get confused
(h/l) = Hair Length
(h/c) = Hair Color
(y/n) = Your Name
(b/f/n) = Best Friends Name

Hope this helps!


You silently tapped the end of your pencil against your desk while staring blankly at a paper. Your favorite song (favorite Gorillaz song) kept distracting you, pulling you out of focus. A quiet hum escaped your throat as you sunk into the beat, now tapping your feet on the floor and giving a little wiggle of your hips. "Ahem!" You quickly snapped out of your trance to see your teacher towering over you. "Slacking off, are we?" His warm coffee-scented breath tickled your face. "N-no sir.. I was just getting back to work" you stammered, but your lies were clear as day. You never really were the best at lying, especially to your mom. She would constantly complain about the facial expression you'd make each time exactly like your father did. "Well get to it, little miss. Class is nearly over and unless you don't want a heap of homework, I suggest you concentrate." You sighed, running your fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) hair out of frustration and got back to work. What only seemed to be at least 20 minutes felt like hours as you rushed through your work. The piercing sound of the bell made you flinch and you began to scramble your papers. "Hey (y/n), everything alright today?" You looked up and was greeted by the concerned face of (b/f/n). "Ah, yeah, I'm just zoning out a bit more than usual today.." Your voice started to go to a mutter as you looked at the floor. "Is something bugging you?" They questioned stepping closer. "No, no! I just uh.. look, it's somewhat aggravating to work with a song stuck in your head. But it's nothing serious. A-anyways, I must be heading out now." (b/f/n) nodded. "Alright. Hope to see you tomorrow!" They gave you a courteous smile as they tossed their plump back over their shoulders and practically ran out. After getting your things completely together and lazily shoving them into your bag, you made way for the door.

-- Home (your room --

The slam of the door behind you unphased you at this point as you tossed your bag onto your clothe littered bed. Jumping on your computer you quickly tuned on (favorite Gorillaz song with 2D's voice). Letting the beat course through you, you jumped back onto your bed with your limbs sprawled out and stared at the ceiling. 2D's voice swept through your mind like a soft spring breeze. A happy feeling sat in your heart as a smile tugged at your lips. Something about his voice.. him in general just had an affect on you. But the fact that you'd never one day see him made your heart ache. The longing you've had for a while would never be resolved and you'd forever be stuck in this state of rushing thoughts and hoping. Maybe your just obsessed. No.. it's more than that. Could you actually be crushing on him? You shook your head. He's much older than you, besides, your chances of meeting are slim to none. These thoughts made you feel uneasy as you quickly pushed them to the back of your head and zoned back into the music. Exhaustion from the long day at school finally consumed you as you were pulled into a slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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