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 I'm a prisoner.

 I'm an actual prisoner. Shit.

There was no way I could ever wind up in jail for this. The worst I could probably ever do was drink drive or steal candy from the servo. Never for hurting someone, never for ending their...

Oh, God. What did I do?

All I remember was shouting, and lots of it. My head being suddenly thrown against the concrete pavement, a kick here and there, hands grabbing me and shaking me so hard it felt like my brain was being forced out of my skull.

 I was swimming in my own blood.

The police were nice enough to let me be patched up at the hospital before throwing me in the cell. Even so, I could still feel the stinging pain from my bare skin being dragged along fragmented beer bottle pieces.

I took a good look around at the cell. Three walls, a curtain of metal bars, a rockhard bed and a little toilet.

This could be my home one day. I shuddered.

"Ready to talk, kid?" the officer stationed in front of my cell asked.

"I told you," I said, voice hoarse from fingers that had locked themselves around my neck and squeezed. "I don't remember."

He sighed. "You're going to have to go to court, whether you're guilty or not. You know that right?"

I was so tired I could barely manage a nod.

"We have several witnesses. Neighbours." He continued after my silence. "So you're sure that you were just jumped on by thugs, and of them pulled out a gun and you forgot the rest?"


He sighed again. "Alright, we'll contact you. Someone's here for you."

Mum. Shit, she was on the verge of fainting back at the hospital. I couldn't let her see me like this again.

But the figure that came towards me was definitely not my mum's. It was a girl.

A completely random blonde girl.

"Hey, Luke," she said gently, her lips pulled up into a slight smile. "Lucky I could bail you out, right?" Her eyes had a urgency that said play along with it.


The cell door swung open."Now we'll have to keep a close eye on you, kid," the officer said. Yeah, yeah, you've gone through the legal shit a thousand times. All I could focus on was the blonde girl.

The whole predicament was a blur. They did some paperwork and they ushered us out the station. The girl kept three paces in front of me. When we were at the front steps, she turned back and looked at me.

"Thanks," I said.

Her hazel eyes narrowed. "Don't thank me."


Before I could get an answer, the girl bolted down the street and disappeared around the corner.

What the hell happened last night?



HEEEEY GUYS, so I'm co writing this book with one of my best friends @r0ary_. BTW you should all check out the stories she has written :)

We will be taking turns on writing the chapters and we will try update as soon as we can but no promises that it will be a weekly thing bc school is a poop. 

So yeah feel free to tell us what you think of our story so far xx 

That Night // 5SOS (L.H)Where stories live. Discover now