chapter iv: warm baths make good mornings

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During the evening, Yoongi was given an program, describing the plan for the following week. The assassin gave it a brief glance at the time but the following day, after he's woken, he decides to at least read today's plan. The day starts with an optional breakfast together, although it says those not wishing to socialise so early can just eat breakfast in their rooms at their own time. There's still an hour until the group breakfast, which Yoongi decides he will attend, so the male begins to get ready.

The room Yoongi is given is large, larger than any room the magpie has ever slept in. There is a large four poster bed positioned against the wall, with an option for a bird's nest on the top of the canopy. The dark haired male chooses the bed to reduce the risk of being caught: he can't afford to be spotted in bird form, his true form, and have the fact he is a magpie be exposed. There is also a private bathroom connected to the main room, which Yoongi makes use of once he's woken completely.

To his surprise, a bath has already been made and steam is still wafting slightly off its surface. As he undresses, the assassin glances around to make sure whoever made this bath has gone. He then slowly hops into the bath, pleased that it's comfortably warm. Sitting in the large metal tub, Yoongi allows himself to be completely submerged for a moment, before breaking the surface again. The assassin then notices the soaps that sit beside the bath and reaches for the closest, giving it a sniff before beginning to rub against his body. It smells of lavenders and creates a light purple lather against his skin.

As he enjoys the luxury of this bath, Yoongi almost forgets about the breakfast. He just allows himself to soak, appreciating how nice it feels. It doesn't help that the temperature of the bath doesn't seem to drop at all, maintaining the same level of warmth for the duration of his rather long bath.

But then the dark haired male has to begrudgingly pull himself out of the bath. He dries the excess water off his body with a towel that is neatly piled nearby before wrapping it around his waist and returning to the main room. He rummages through his clothes before he finds a simple black suit. Then the towel is dropped as he dresses himself, once again taking his time. When the assassin leaves his room, his wings and hair are still damp and he smells of the lavender soap.

A small number of people attend the breakfast as most seem to have chosen to sleep in or have simply forgotten. Due to the size of the table, clearly made to hold more people, the small group is seems even smaller. Jungkook once again sits at the head of the table, except this time he's only accompanied by a grey haired male. This meal is still a lot more intimate, as everyone sits close to the king and he's able to interact with all of them.

"Did you all have a good sleep?" He asks, opening the floor to the others as he eats his fish. Instantly the others begin trying to talk over the top of each other, desperate to be heard by the raven boy. Jungkook only chuckles at this, shaking his head, "You'll have to speak one at a time; I can't hear you all when you speak at once." Amazingly, some order is achieved as the group all provide a review of their sleep, one at a time like Jungkook said. All are positive, clearly trying to suck up to the king. Although, at the same time, Yoongi also can't fault his experience ― although he is curious about that bathtub.

"My bath was already filled and warm when I woke up," The assassin speaks up in one of the few moments of silence, turning all eyes to him. Even Jungkook, who had been staring at the fish he was cutting seconds before. The king stares with big, curious eyes, cheek bulging with the amount of fish he just shoved into his mouth, "How? Should I be worried about people coming in while I sleep? Are there secret passages ― could someone spy on me while I'm getting changed?"

If Jungkook could laugh, he might have. But he can't, because doing so would cause the food in his mouth to be spat across the table and onto his unsuspecting guests. Instead he chuckles, hand covering his mouth in case any food does try to make it's getaway. As he quickly chews and swallows his breakfast, the dark haired boy shakes his head.

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