chapter 6

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IG: Fawe_Ruth__

For a whole month, I'd been tutoring Will and he was improving incredibly. Mandy, Will and I had become really close. We hung out often and it was nice. As much as i hated to admit it, things where not the same. Mandy thought I didn't notice it but I saw her wistful glances, I heard her girlish giggles, I saw the way she looked at will with a spark in her eyes. No, it was no mistake, Mandy was falling in love. To be honest, I didn't know if Will was blind or he just wanted to play dumb to the obvious signs. He teased her, ruffled her hair and called her silly. He treated her as one would treat a younger sister. But Mandy was love struck, she didn't see it as Will being nice. Everything he did had to have a deeper meaning. And because of that, I took a back seat. They where meant for each other, they completed each other. I made convenient excuses and excused my self from hanging out with the two of them. The more they where together, the more they discovered each other right? Besides, I didn't want to watch my best friend fall in love with the guy I was in love with. No distractions, I reminded myself.

Its thursday night and I'm in my room lying on my bed listening to one direction while reading for a quiz due Monday. I had nothing else to do and I had excluded myself from going to Starbucks with Will and Mandy claiming I wasn't feeling well. Taking drama had its perks..
I heard a clink on my backdoor and I ignored it, thinking it was probably the wind. I heard the clink the second time and I walked to the window and pulled the curtain back.

It was Will. What was will doing at my house this late?...
I opened the door and he stepped in.
We regarded each other for a while before he broke the silence.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
How was I feeling? Confused that's how.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?"
"Well, its just that this afternoon you weren't well and I thought I'd check up on you" he replied, looking concerned
Oh shoot. Nice going Lia, if you're gonna make up a script at least stick to it.
"Yea, I'm much better thanks"
He was looking at me doubtfully. The tension was so thick I could cut it with a knife.
"So...." I started
"So...." He replied, waiting for me to complete my statement.
"Um, how was your date with Mandy" I tried to sound light about it but my voice was so strained.
"It wasn't a date" he said flatly. "I was hoping to hang out with you and when I told Amanda she assumed we were going together and then you chickened out.
"I didn't chicken out" I defended "I wasn't feeling well"
"Right..." He said looking at me sceptically.
We were quiet for about thirty seconds.
I looked up to see his soulful brown eyes looking into my hazel ones intently. Almost like he could see into my very being.
"Are You mad at me or something?"
"What?" He thought I was mad at him?
"I mean, did I offend you in any way?"
"No Will, why would you think that?"
He moved closer to me, so close I caught his smell. He smelled of musk and sweat, like he'd been running. He towered over me but I didn't feel intimidated but safe. He leaned down, like he was going to kiss me. My heart felt like it would explode.
"Because you've been avoiding me" he stated confidently.
I gulped nervously.
"I'm not...avoiding you" I whispered.
"Yes you are, which is why you don't want to hang out with me anymore. Anytime I suggest we go out, you are suddenly sick and I'm stuck with Amanda. Why? Did I do anything to offend you?"
"Its not like that" I whisper." I've just been stressed, it has nothing to do with you" I lie. It has everything to do with you.
"You can talk to me you know. I like hanging out with you Amelia." Will assures me.
"Yea, I know. I like hanging out with you too. I'm sorry I've been so distant".
He smiles at me and pulls me into a tight hug.
" I've missed you Blondie"
I wrap my arms around him and smile, breathing in his smell.
"I've missed you too Will"
He let's me go and I reluctantly step out of his embrace.
"So I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asks expectantly.
"Yea, sure" I smile at him. "Hey, how's Mandy?. She was supposed to call me when you guys got back"
"Well, we didn't go. She suddenly felt weak and I took her home. Now that I think of it, she didn't look so good. Maybe you should call her"
I frowned slightly. Lia wasn't one who got sick easily. I made a mental note to call her.
"That's weird. She doesn't get ill  often. I'll call her"
"Yea, Ok. Maybe I should get going" Will says as he moves towards the door.
"See you in school Blondie"
"Good night Will" I say.

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