Who you loving?

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"The strangest thing to me is how much love one can have and yet how little they spare for themselves"

Love is expansive, it can reach anywhere and practically everywhere. Except inside.

We love family, friends, things, pets, random people like Instagram models etc. There is little in the world we don't hold a little love for.

Why is it wrong to love yourself?

Why do we say people who do are selfish or self-centered?

Who should actually be your first love as a person? Why can't it be yourself?

People grow up and become so bitter and hateful for no good reason? No self-love.

People go seeking validation in places or people that couldn't ever comprehend their magesty. Because they don't feel their own approval matters or is sufficient?

People can live their whole youth waiting for the arrival of the love of their lives and experience no actual joy prior to that. Once they arrive, its euphoria.... Until they leave. Why wait to be loved from the outside in the first place?

Why are we made this way?


I want every little girl to blush when she looks in the mirror because that girl in the mirror charms her. Because who wouldn't smile looking at her.

I want teenage girls learning their anatomy and appreciate how special they are made and start comprehending their power.

I want young ladies to take themselves out on dinner dates, buy their own gifts and be on their own too feet. Independent only meaning you never subject yourself to somebody's mercy.

I want love to find you whole.

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