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The loudest shriek of the day came when Nema finally ripped the paper off of her last gift. A gift she'd gotten from Harry. "A dollhouse! Pa, you got me a dollhouse!"

Harry had been holding his phone up to record her reaction. "You like it?"

"I love it, Pa. Mr. Mummy look! All the new dolls you got me can fit in here!"

Zayn chuckled, noting how it was as tall as she was. "It looks like it, doesn't it? But that was the last gift. Don't forget to thank everyone for getting you gifts."

"Thank youuuu." She cheesed and everyone that had gathered in the living room told her she was welcome.

Harry stopped recording and shoved his cellphone in his pocket. "Alright, I think we've all waited long enough for the most delicious part of the day. Who wants cake?"

Most of everyone in the room made cheers of approval.

"Me too. Let's go on and wheel it out here."

Nema bounced up and down on her tiptoes, then came and stood next to Harry. She looked up at Zayn with a confused expression. "Where's Charlie at? Why he's not here?"

"He's napping in his room. He was pretty tired."

"Oh. He's going to miss it. But that's okay. I'll save him some cake."

Zayn and Harry smiled at each other. At first, they had worried about how she was going to handle having to share with a new sibling since she had spent the previous 3 years by herself. But to their surprise, she had taken so well to Charlie from the very first day he came and loved him as much as they did. She always looked for reasons to be with him and share with him. Charlie was quite introverted​ when it came to playtime, but she was always dragging him in that too.

"My cake!" Nema yelled excitedly when she saw it was being rolled in the room on a cart.

Since it was so tall, Harry picked her up and put her on his hip so she could get a full view of it. It was four layers high and bright pink with yellow and silver flowers. Little fondant fairies with wings sat on the edges to match her fairy themed party. The biggest fairy at the very top of the cake with six lit candles around it was actually the fairy they designed the dress Nema was currently wearing after. Nema wanted the fairy at the top to look like her and since it was her special day, they didn't mind doing it all for her.

No one wasted any time getting to the birthday song, singing loud and proud. Nema just ate it up. She loved having people sing to her. When it was over, she clapped and let her Pa help her lean over the cake so she could blow out her candles.

"Did you wish for something?" Harry asked.


"Good girl."

But instead of being happy about it, she leaned against Harry and suddenly became quiet.

"What's wrong, Sunshine?" He asked.

She buried her eyes on his shirt. "My flowers."

He was confused. "What?"

"My flowers. I wanted yellow. They're orange."

"What flowers?"

"On my cake."

Harry looked at the cake. "No, those aren't orange."

"Yes they are." She began to cry.

"No. That's not orange, Sunshine. That's golden yellow."

She shook her head and cried silently onto him. When Zayn glanced over at them and noticed her tears, he tapped Harry. "What's going on over here?"

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