•Chapter 2•

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The smell of bacon and waffles hit me waking me up, groaning in the process I reluctantly got out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Morning mum, dad"I smiled. They both turned around and smiled back.

"Morning sweetheart" they said AT THE SAME TIME they always do this to me it's freaky. My parents as you may guess we're high school sweethearts he was the jock she was the popular girl they made it through together that's how I want my life to be, but I guess not.

"Have your breakfast, get dressed then pack we'll leave in an hour" she said.

After breakfast I packed my bags and since I had a shower last night I just got changed into blue high waisted ripped jeans, a grey crop top and white Nike air Max's

After breakfast I packed my bags and since I had a shower last night I just got changed into blue high waisted ripped jeans, a grey crop top and white Nike air Max's

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Few hours later
We got home before and know I'm laying on my bed with my best friend Kylina. She's more like a sister then a best friend. She's gorgeous her brownish blonde hair made her look like a model and her eyes they were amazing.

"Hey sis, I gotta tell you something" I said hesitantly. She looked at me worried. Nodding her head edging for me to go on. I sighed.

"I think Coles cheating on me" once that came out of my mouth I didn't know what to say there was a silence a type of silence I didn't like, there was tension and I knew she was mad.

"YOU WHAT!!!!! HOW??? WHY??? WHEN??? LET ME AT HIM ILL KILL HIM!!!!!" She yelled, I've seen her angry but this never on this level. I should just be straight up and not beat around the bush.

"He never called nor messaged me this whole summer break, and I know he has because I heard a girl giggling on the other side of the phone, idk what to do" I felt the stinging sensation come over my nose this always happened when i was about to cry.

"Listen to me Alazay, you need to get out there and show him what he's missing if he wants to cheat on you then we'll get revenge sweet revenge, you need to realise that you shouldn't need to cry over him he's worthless doing this you need to show him you don't need him, tomorrow let's go out shopping and find you something sexy for school I want you looking smoking sis" I started crying, she was the best thing ever to happen to me. Kylina always stay over when my parents leave for work they left early this morning for four months.

"Thank you so much, you're the best person ever, I love you so much sis" I hugged her. And she hugged back mumbling "I love you too sis".

Later that night we stayed up and binge watched Netflix and ate all the junk food we could've, I wanted to forget him, he was nothing to me and the best way to do it was to give him a taste of his own medicine, but I'll let him do it first I'll let him break my heart then I'll show him I didn't need him and I never will. Falling asleep dreaming about my happy ending.

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