Chapter 6

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"so, what about your parents?" He raises his eyebrow

"What about them?"

"well, where are they"

"Um, well, dad left, and, uh, mum killed herself, so I have been staying with Lilly the past few years"

We sit in silence untill Sam breaks it,

"So, anyone up for some drinks?"

Colby looks up confused
"Like alcohol?"

Sam frowns
"Of course"

"I've never drank before"
I peep out quickly

Colby turns his head and his eyes widen
"Your telling me your 19 and never had even a sip of alcohol?"

"Yep, anyway isn't it a bit too early for drinks, I mean it's only 10:30am"

"Soo, me and colbs always drink early"

I nod my head slowly
"Okay, I'll try some."

"That's ma gurl"
Sam yells jokingly

"1. I'm not ya gurl, and 2. Just shut up and pass us the drinks"

Colbys POV
Me, (Y/N) and Sam all drink a few glasses and are a bit tipsy

"Truth or dare?" Sam says raising and eyebrow

"Sure" I say

"Okay, colby, truth or dare?"

"Uh, dare"

"Hmm, I dare you to kiss (Y/N)"

I turn to (Y/N) and her eyes widen

"Okay," she says throwing herself on me and kissing me

The alcohol has gotten to her head a bit too quick

"Wow guys"
Sam cheers

I feel her hands in my hair pulling my head backward deepening the kiss

"Guys you can stop now"

I try to pull her off but she keeps kissing me, i finally get her off and she drops to the floor giggling, I look at Sam and shake my head

"That was amazing"
(Y/N) says still giggling

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