Chapter 1

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I will never live up to my parents  lacacy.I am basically a failure in a skirt. But of course I am the only child. Generation's ruined by the runt of the litter.Do you want to now how I know that.Currently my teacher is telling us how to take down a kitsune and I am not listening  to a word.Oh! Did I forget to say my teacher is my mom.She teaches me and my cousins.

"Ms.Aligiola did you know that Dria is not paying attention, " bragged my cousin,Mary.If looks could kill I would be dead times 100.You could tell from her face she knew Mary was not lying.She start to move towards me.My mother can make you feel like pray.

"Dria do you know how important  this lesson is?How important  it is to our lacacy? " asked  my mother.Her frown would make you want to crawl in a hole and die, but she has a look with it  too a look of disappointment.

"Of course  I do mother.Our family is in the top 5," I replied  timidly.There are 50 families.Each family  has a rank ,it is usually given by the angelic's.My parents take this seriously.Very.Did I also forget to mention  that mean we are on the council.There are very people who are on the council  who are not in the top ten.

"Do you know what that means?  How lucky we are?You could have been one of those bottom lines,a weakling," Shouted my mother.The council is a very hard thing to understand  and I denfinetly don't.I think my mom is obsessed  with  power especially  since the only reason she is in the top 5 is because she was pregnant  with me.I don't  understand  why the ranks go by  5's but everything in my world is confusing.Their are some people who move down in their ranks we call these people the disonore or disgrace.But, what I think my mom is the most upset about is that she was not a onore or honor those are the most rare people they have a different  role a the council  than the reast of them.They get sent on mission's I could never dream of.

"Okay guys it is time for class the end," said my father.All of my cousins  heads turned. No one saw him standing there.He just leans so causally  against  the wall.You can tell who I got my looks from and which parent  I like the most.

"Class dismissed  everyone, "said my mother.Everyone grabbed  their books and headed out of there.But, Mary stoped at my desk and smiled.You  could not know  that we weren't sisters seeing how much my mom favores her.

"Dria we have some thing  to  tell you," said my dad causally  looking back and front between  me and my mom.

"We are going to have a visitor from the concil," said my mom confidently you could tell she was scared because I have a thing for causing trouble. This is going to be fun!  


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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