oh no part 1

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i wake up with the sound of people screaming in my ear and honestly im ready to throw a pillow at them and tell them to shut up cause its to early..... literally its like 5:30 who the hell gets up before 12?!? i roll over to see my lovely but extremely annoying family standing there and it takes a second for what they are say to regester in my head. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my baby is growing up to fast, she is gonna find her mate today!! my oh so lovely mother squels.. i honestly dont know if i want to find my mate it could be anyone hopefully i get the nerdy type..... what am i saying not even the nerds at school pay any attention to me!! thats right daughter of the alpha and i get bullied at school... not that my family knows anyway, i was never popular my brother was but not me im just the weird little "slut" that sits in the corner, weird how i get called a slut by the school sluts but come on seriously if your gonna call someone a slut at least look in the mirror first!!!! but thankfully its saturday and im going to a farm with my father because im a daddy's girl i like to go hunting with him and a couple of his mates and i know what your thinking werewolves hunting that would be to easy but actually dad and his mate do it the hard way and go hunting off the back of a buggy with shot guns! mum remeber its saturday im going hunting with daddy, i remind my mother. oh yea thats right well maybe you'll find him on your way there she tells me... ha i disagree i probably wont find my mate until im 30 something years old!!!! hang on when did everyone leave my room??? what the hell rude they didnt even tell me they were leaving!!! oh well looks like its time to get ready to leave! but first im gonna take a shower i stink i think i forgot to have a shower last night?!? SAHARA GET READY WE WILL BE LEAVING IN UNDER 2 HOURS my dad yells from what sounds like the kitchen. i dont bother responding because i know he knows i heard! 

After my shower i pack a bag of clothes for tonight its gotta be warm clothes cause when your driving around in a stipped down suburu with only a roll cage over the top it gets very cold very quickly!!!! hmmmmm i wonder who else is going?? dads friend always invites another person that way there are five of us in the car! mark's (dads friend) dad is the driver i sit next to him and dad, mark and one other person are on the back of the car... it goes dad with a gun, mark with the spot light and other person with another gun that way we have double the shot of killing either the fox or rabbit! i know what your thinking how could you kill a innocent rabbit and fox? well think again ladies and gentleman because they are not as cute and cuddly as you think!!!! the rabbits eat all the crops and the foxes do the worst! see we only hunt during lambing season when all the lambs are being born because the foxes will seek out a small lamb and pretend to play and slowly lur it away from its mother and the hurd once its is away they knock it over again and again and again until the lamb gets tierd and starts to huff with its tounge hanging out of its mouth.... thats when the horrible part happens the fox swoops in latches onto the tounge and just rips it straight off so the lamb cant call for its mother and even if it does get back to its mother it will eventually die because of starvation..... but enough of that and back to the sisutaion at hand. i am currnetly about to walk into shed to talk to dad about tonight and to see who is coming with... i hope its tim he is very funny!!! dad?? yes sweety, he answers. who else is going hunting tonight???? well hun tonight is going to be different! this caught my attention big time.... tonight there is going to be 2 more people one is actually your age i think his name is dominick ??? ok daddy thanks for telling me.............    oh god someone my age and its a boy oh god im doomed!!!!!!!! BY THE WAY SWEETY HE IS ALSO AN ALPHA SO BE POLITE my father yells from somewhere in side the shed! oh shit oh shit oh shit another alpha i've never been good with other aplhas!! well looks there is always a time to try something new!

A/N hey guys this is the first half of the second chapter i didnt think the first chap was actually going be read!!!! but looks like it was so i thought i'd post the next chapter....... please note that this next chapter is actually true these events did happen to me and i thought i'd share!! i'll update soon hope you like the first half :)

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