On The Other Side of the Screen part 9

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Patrick sat in his room late sunday night going over and over in his head how his plan was all working out. It seemed flawless at first, but now there was a little smudge he didn't realize would be so hard to wipe off.

Amelia had backbone in her.

Granted, it was a relatively small one (due to the fact that it was hardly ever used) and it only came out every once in a while, but she had one.

Patrick had origionaly thought that Amelia was helpless. But as it turned out, she did in fact have the capability to defend herself.

Patrick did not like that at all. It went against all he knew, or thought he knew. What ate him up most was that it was his fault.

He had acted to quickly.

At first, he was going to wait until she at least reached sixteen to begin having conversations with her. Sixteen, in Patrick's mind, was one of the most voulnerable ages, especially in young girls.

They feel independant, and they feel "grown up." They think they can handle things by themselves, and it's hard to find a sixteen year old that is fond of the police department.

But they are still young, and that's what makes them amazing targets.

Amelia was an even better target, because she was so weak. But she was stronger than that- and it compleately threw Partick off guard.

She had an attitude. Patrick didn't appreciate that at all. He could handle her fighting back if it came to it, but he did not like foul words spoken in his direction. That only made him angry. When he helpes Amelia, he doesn't want to be angry. That would only hurt her, and he wanted to make it painless as possible.

The best he could do was tell her to be a good girl and just do as he said. Suprisingly, she agreed to that. Whether she was PMSing, or just scared out of her mind, Patrick didn't know, but he had what he needed at least; her agreement.

But Amelia was smart. What if she figured it out?

He went over what all Amelia knew about him in his head.

She knew he knew everything about her.

She knew he was always watching her.

She knew that he was her only hope. He made this known with his code name he gave her: Spero.

Was that all? He knew what she assumed.

She assumed he was male, which is understandable. That went along with what he knew, it was a steriotype. When young girls feel insecure it's almost always in their mind because of a male.

She assumed that he stalked her. That dissapointed Patrick an aweful lot. "Stalk" is such a rude word, and in Patrick's mind, it didn't apply to him at all.

All he wanted was to help Amelia. Get her out of the hell hole that was the life she currently lead. "Stalking" was such an insult to him.

After going over everything, he figured Amelia probably still didn't know what was going on, which was good. He just didn't want her putting on a show for him, drama was never her thing. How was he going to go on with his plan now? He told her to get rid of the only person she called friend- which was part of the plan, but it backfired. She didn't need to use violence againt Evangeline, and he didn't know that she would use it to her advantage. That's one of the things that gave her edge. Patrick didn't like that.

She needed a new friend. That was also part of the plan. But it can't be too suspicious.

He knew exactly what needed to be done.

He glanced at the computer screen to see the time, and noticed that Amelia sent him an instant message.

Lia1294: It's been days since we last talked.

That was odd. Was she concerned?

HelloThere321: I've been thinking. You're stronger than I thought you were.

He may as well be honest with her. It didn't give anything away, at least.

Lia1294: Good. So I still have an advantage. You're not the only one with something up your sleve there, "Spero".

What was this supposed to mean? For the first time ever, Patrick wondered if her was doing the right thing. Maybe Amelia didn't need saving after all.

HelloThere321: Is that so? Do you mind me asking what you have "up your sleeve?"

Lia1294: Of course I mind. How stupid do you think I am?

HelloThere321: I don't think you as stupid, I think you as naive.

It was the truth. So what if it was rude to just up and say it? Amelia wasn't cooperating anyway.

It had been at least 10 minutes when Amelia finaly responded.

Lia1294: How exactly am I supposed to behave?

Patrick was confused.

HelloThere321: How are you supposed to behave?

Lia1294: You said that I was to be a good girl. Define good.

Patrick was again thrown off guard. This was off topic.

HelloThere321: Just be good. No violence. No bitter things are to go out of your mouth.

Lia1294: What happens if I'm not "good?"

HelloThere321: You will be.

Amelia signed out after that. Whether she just got fed up with him or she decided to go to bed, Patrick didn't know.

What Patrick *did* know was that this was going to be allot harder than he thought.

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