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i added some people to the story, you are welcome. ;)

maxymoe - so, are ya seeing anyone?

ianc - um, no. why you askin?

maxymoe - because i can???? whatever, i don't fucking care anyway.

ianc - chill out dude.

ianc - are you seeing anyone?

maxymoe - you ask me that after i have been flirting with you for two days.

ianc - stfu and answer my question.

maxymoe - no, faggot.

ianc - okay then.

maxymoe - well. sorry about that btw.

ianc - it's fine, i get the same.

maxymoe - you are just like me! are you my soulmate????

ianc - i don't think so...

maxymoe - sounds like a maybe, baby.

ianc - i fucking told you.

maxymoe - okay!

maxymoe - princess.

ianc - ugh.

Just as I send that last message, I get a call from my friend. George.

I've known George for a while, we met each other through our friend, he was a very shy person at first but since then... He's been the best friend ever.

I thought about answering the call, until his screensaver and the buttons to answer or decline went, and I decided to call later. I then got an idea.

ianc - sorry about that, got a call. but i have an idea.

maxymoe - share it princess.

ianc - wanna meet my friends? we all have a group chat if you wanna join.

maxymoe - hm, okay then.

Yes! Exactly what I wanted.

I open the group chat.

ianc - yo!

joji - ay, i just called, you okay dude?

ianc - yeah, i wanted to add someone.

pyro - ay faggot, you adding someone?

imalex - faggot's here!

ianc - alex, stfu and pyro, yes.

pyro - as long as this nibba ain't a murderer, i am alright with it.

ianc added maxymoe to the chat!

ianc - look max, these are my friends.

maxymoe - fuck, are they gonna kill me?

ianc - fuck no, joji or george, pyro or niall and alex or alex.

imalex - don't diss me faggot.

maxymoe - hello all, i'm not trying to get into ian's pants.

pyro - my child is becoming a man, you gay?

ianc - nah.

maxymoe - i'll make him gay, do i have your blessing?

pyro - fuck yeah.

imalex - what about my blessings?

pyro - fuck off m8. this ain't your child.

imalex - ...

imalex - darling~ i love you~

pyro - fuck off.

ianc - my parents won't stop fighting.

pyro - that's what happens child.

imalex - sir max, i grant you the permission to fuck my son.

pyro - shhhhh

maxymoe - thank you.

ianc - no one ever been in my ass, and no one ever will.

pyro - i didn't raise my son to be a fucking fag.

ianc - stfu

maxymoe - imma go before i start some shit.


anyway, thanks for reading! i am so happy that people are enjoying it. love you all!

- dan <3

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