CHAPTER 17: Please.....No!!!

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        It's been already a few days since I made a deal with the FBI and I seriously hope they follow through on their deal. Otherwise, I will literally be killed.

         After James and I made up, practically, a few nights ago, I had finally gotten a little courage and convinced Jake to believe me when I told him I wanted to begin acting more like his main girl and also, that I was really interested in what all he does and was curious about everything. Bottom line, is that he gave me the keys to his office and the drawers in there.

          Today in particular was the perfect day to look around in his office. Because him, Paul, James, Zeke and several other of his guys, were at the warehouse where Jake keeps his weapons and gun inventory at.

          However, even though I was alone in the house, I was still paranoid in thinking that either the guys who were outside, guarding the house or anyone else really, could still walk in and find me.

          So of course, I still was quiet, careful and cautious as I began to open up the drawers of Jake's desk after unlocking them first and began taking out all the file folders that he had and placed them all out across the desk and quickly began taking pictures of all the documents, and photos of all the things the FBI wanted me to get for them. Including Jake's warehouse photos and information that he had taken James to.

         By the time I was done, I locked away everything and then left.

        Then right as I turned around, I bumped into Sasha.

         "What the hell are you doing in Jake's office? Nobody's allowed in there!" She scowls at me.

          "Yes well, as me being his main girl and all, it gives me access to go wherever the hell I want to." I smirk.

           "Does he know that you were taking pictures of his stuff with your phone?" Sasha says.

          "What are you talking about?" I asked.
          "Don't play dumb with me. I recorded you doing it just now, along with footage and pictures of you and James have been seeing each other behind Jake's back." She tells me with a bitch smile.

           'FUCK!!!' I thought in my head. I am dead. She's going to tell Jake and it will all be over. However, I suddenly behind to think that maybe she's bluffing. So I just replied, "Fuck you!"

           Which just makes her chuckle. "I wonder what Jake will do to you one he see's and hears everything I have on you and James." She says sarcastically when she knows damn well what he would do to both me and James.

           Then the next thing that happened, I don't know how or that I even would, but I just swung my fist as hard as I could straight against her face, breaking her noise apparently.

           Which I must say, I really should've done this a long ass time ago. As I see now too, that this bitch is all talk. She can't even fight.

            I grab her phone from off the floor as she's holding her head back while holding onto her nose as she tries and stops her nose from bleeding.

            While escorting her towards outside in the front, I hold onto her hair tightly and start telling her before getting to the front door, "You better not say a fucking word to anyone, including Jake. Otherwise, you'll get it a lot worse next time." I then open up the door and let go of her hair as one of the guys comes running up to us and see's Sasha.

           "Shit Sasha. How the hell did you break your nose?" He asks her.

          I see her look at me as I give her a look in reminding her what would happen if she told anyone.

         Then she says, "I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into one of the doors." She says convincingly. Which I gotta say, I know I dodged a huge bullet there, considering in how she is known to be clumsy and for having shit like that happen to her.

           After he took her to the hospital, I decided to take out her SIM Card and destroy that and also break her cell phone.

           Everything went better than I had thought it would, so far. At least until the next day.


           I woke up to doors being slammed hard and loud, along with yelling and things being thrown around and stuff breaking. Which made me wonder if Jake was in one of his moods again. Which he was.

          Then I hear his voice get louder and closer to the outside bedroom which made me sit up in bed real quick and I wont lie. I started to freak out cause he sounded really mad.

           The bedroom door then flies opened and he stomps into the room, walks over to my side of the bed, grabs my hair and starts pulling me out of bed.

           "You fucking bitch! Did you really think I wasn't going to find out, huh?" He says as he lets go of my hair and puts his hand around my throat as he pushes me roughly up against the wall.

           "I don't know what you're talking about." I try and say with his grasp tightening around my neck a little bit.

           "You fucking went into my office and you looked at the files I had in my desk and then took fucking pictures of my shit. Which why the hell would you do that, huh?" He asks, while tightening his grip up even more. Which causes me to cough as I begin to choke.

           He then throws me over onto the bed, on my stomach and I start to slowly climb on across the bed while I'm trying to catch my breath and escape at the same time.

          I then feel both of his hands around my ankles as he pulls me towards him and flips me over onto my back then holding down my arms against my chest as he hits me across the face.

          I am struggling to try and break free from him and even try to kick him in the balls, but am not able to. "!!" I cry out loud, hoping someone will hear me. Then I hear the door bust open and in runs Paul, James and a couple of other guys too as James quickly runs over and pulls Jake off of her.

         He then punches the shit out of Jake, to which Jake hits James back and they start going at it.

        Paul comes and helps me up and then I see Zeke come running in with a gun, pulling James off of Jake and holds up, but with a gun pointed to his head. Fucking Pig!

        Jake gets up, spits out blood and then looks at James.

        "You think I wouldn't find out about you fucking my girl? Hmm? Or the fact that you and your little buddy here.." he says while looking at Paul, me and then back at James as Zeke's got his arm around James' neck. "Were FBI?"

        I start to look at James and then at Jake. How the hell did he know all that.

        "Or..." he began saying while looking at me, smiling with blood staining his teeth. "Or the fact, that you, my little princess, was working with the FBI." Jake walks towards me and Paul tries keeping me behind him. But then Jake punches him and makes Paul fall onto the floor after hitting the wall hard.

        When I try to help Paul up, Jake grabs me by the arm and pulls me closer towards him and the next thing I remember, is everything went black.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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