In the Begining

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    He ran out of there as fast as he could carrying as much food as he possibly could. Liam had just come from a restaurant and had taken as much food as he was able to. Why you may ask? Because nobody is able to see him. Liam didn't know why he was invisible. He knew that he was real because every time it rained, he could see his footprints in the mud as he was walking, but nobody could see or hear him. Liam didn't have any parents or siblings. All he remembers is waking up one day with no memories at all. He only knew that his name was Liam and that he had to survive. Anyway, as Liam was running, he heard someone yell "WHO STOLE THE FOOD!?" 'Probably from the restaurant' Liam thought as he continued running. He was almost to the forest, where he lives, and quickly tried to cross the dirt path to get there when he suddenly bumped into someone. Liam fell to the ground with a loud 'THUD' and a gasp as soon as he realized what happened. "Oww." Said Liam as he sat there with food scattered all around him. "OH MY GOODNESS. Are you okay?!" Liam heard someone ask. He thought nothing of it because nobody could see him. Not long after that he was pulled off of the ground and back onto his feet. "WOAH!" Said Liam as he was not expecting that. "Your not hurt are you?" Liam heard someone ask. He looked up to be met with chocolate brown eyes staring back at him. "Y-You can see me?" Liam asked the. Oh who now stood in front of him. "No I just like talking to myself. You didn't answer my question. Are you ok?" The boy asked one more time. "Yeah, I'm fine." Liam said, shocked that he was really talking to someone. "Okay good. Now why were you so surprised that I could see you?" The boy asked curiously. "O-oh it's kinda a long story that you probably won't believe." Liam said looking down at the ground. "What's your name anyway? Mines Liam." He said smiling, happy that someone could really see him. "Oh right. My bad. My names Noah." The boy we now know as Noah replied with a wide smile spread across his face.

Word count:392
Ok I know that it's a short chapter but I wasn't feeling very creative at the time and I have a bit of homework to do so I had to cut it a bit short. I promise that the next chapter will be longer. Until next time my people🦊

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