When we got home Alice was still asleep which gave us the time to get ready for my idea(it's a little science like).
It was getting late, so we all got changed and went to bed. The next morning I did have an idea but I need moms permission. "Hey mom I think I know how to fix Alice but requires a knife" I whispers the rest into her ear. She said its okay but be careful and don't drain to much.
I went into the kitchen and ate breakfast and after that I grabbed a little knife. I headed down to the basement and grabbed a chair, bandaids, and a jar. I used the ink machine to pour myself some ink.
What I did was I cut myself and dripped some of my blood into the ink. If my theory is correct, the blood will make the ink act like reproducing skin cells. It worked the ink was slowly growing I grabbed a dropper and sucked up some of the ink and ran out of the basement and towards the toons.
Alice was awake with Bendy and Boris looking sad I ran to them. "Guys I know how to fix Alice" I said. Bendy smiled and asked "Really? How?" I grabbed a jar and dripped the ink into the jar and they could see it slowly increasing in amount.
"How did you do that?" The toons asked in unison. I explained it to them and they were so happy. I pulled off the bandaid and added an other cut so it was fresh.
Alice opened her mouth and my finger bled into it. I put a fresh bandaid on and she wasn't growing.
"Maybe I would take sometime to get to her entire body before, she actually starts to grow" I replied.
~A few hours later~
We were all eating lunch and I started to see a difference in Alice, she is almost half of Bendy's height now and she's starting to get her wings back.I started to wonder, what else can blood do to ink.
~Sometime later~
Alice has been doing better, her wings have been growing in and she is now an inch shorter than Bendy. Her halo is shining bright and she's hanging out with her siblings in the living room watching TV.Apparently my blood is working perfectly and will stop when Alice is back to her normal height. Alice walked up to me "Hey (Y/N), thank you" she said.
"No problem Alice, all want to do is let you and your brothers live a better life than what you had in that old rundown studio" I replied. "Strangest thing though, I actually feel stronger than before" Alice implied.
"Really?!" I said. Alice nods. "Huh maybe I have underestimated the power of blood and ink. How about we test it" I said Alice. She nodded, I picked her up and took her to the backyard where there is this giant boulder that is very hard to move.
"Lets see if you can move this" I asked as I put her down. She was moving it but not too far, maybe because of her size the strength in the blood didn't want to overpower her. At that moment, Alice fell over fainting I caught her in my arms.
"Okay maybe we should abuse it like that" Alice opened her eyes as I was saying that and nodded with a soft smile on her face. "How about a nap" I asked, she nodded before dozing off.
As we went back inside and through the living room up the stairs, Bendy looks at us and asked "What's the matter with her". "She's tired after a little test we did outside. I'll explain once she is tucked in" I said.
~A few minutes of tucking in and explaining later~
"That's amazing" Bendy said. "Yeah you should be careful" Boris implied."Now I just wonder what other things can blood do to ink" I said. "Well it did happen to me before and I felt really strong from it too, like a power boost" Bendy explained.
"But at one point it was too strong I couldn't control myself and I went on a rampage in the studio in my... monster form" Bendy implied. "Monster Form?" I asked. "Do you want to see it?" He said.
"Heck yeah!" I answered. "Can we go to that open field area your dad was talking about?" He asked. "Hey mom the toons and I are going to the old soccer field to change forms, do you wanna come see them!" I shouted.
"Give me a second sweetie, just need to grab somethings" she answered.
Bendy x reader (Multiple Au Crossovers)
Genç Kurguyou have heard of this off abandoned animation studio that has claimed to be haunted. And much is to be learned about yourself.